Library Journal: ALA Conference 2009: Organization Behind Islam Panel Issues Statement
Myra Appel, chair of the Ethnic and Multicultural Information Exchange Roundtable (EMIERT), has released a public statement (below) regarding the recent cancellation of the ALA panel "Perspectives on Islam."
Huffington Post: Sarkozy is Not Welcome in a Burka
Monsieur Sarkozy, would you like to try this lovely Burka on for me? No?
Very well, that is your personal determination of course.
Huffington Post: Peace Punk'd by Netanyahu, Where's Ashton Kutcher?
...it seems like the Israelis are constantly shifting the starting point of this debate back a notch, a process through which the obvious is played as benefaction, and entitlements re-branded as concessions.
Al-Ahram Weekly: Mixed reactions
A week after US President Barack Obama's speech at Cairo University, Gihan Shahine sifts through a web of applause, scepticism and cautious optimism
Chicago Crescent: Islam and the Psychology of Wealth
In these trying times, Islam’s wisdom, in what it teaches us about wealth, about ourselves, and about God, can prove to be a grounding force that preserves our sanity and indeed immunizes us from the quicksands of material life.
Daily Herald: Iraq Death Toll an Important Reminder
Thank you for bringing the catastrophic number of Iraqi casualties to America's attention.
Chicago Tribune: Recent violence in churches exposes lack of security, experts say
Dr. George Tiller wore a bulletproof vest as he handed out bulletins in his church's lobby on May 31. But it wasn't enough to save the abortion provider when a man aimed a gun at his head and pulled the trigger.
ABC 890 Radio/WYCC TV - Beyond the Beltway: America and Islam - The Relationship Going Forward
CAIR-Chicago Executive Director Ahmed Rehab joins Associate Professor of History Guity Nashat and former Assistant Attorney General of the United States Joe Morristo to comment on the impact of President Obama's recent speech in Cairo addressing the Muslim majority world.
Index: A Korán-idézet nem hatotta meg az arab világot
Ugyan hatalmas áttörést nem okozott Barack Obama amerikai elnök kairói beszéde, de mindenképpen jelzés a muzulmánok számára, hogy változik az amerikai stratégia a Közel-Keleten.
Correio Braziliense: Até porta-voz do grupo extremista palestino Hamas viu “mudança” no discurso de Barack Obama
A boa oratória aliada ao carisma de Barack Obama parece, mais uma vez, ter surtido um efeito muito além do esperado para o presidente americano. O discurso proferido na Universidade do Cairo na manhã de ontem, endereçado aos árabes e muçulmanos, foi recebido de forma bastante positiva pela grande maioria dos líderes da região e em todo o mundo.
Arab News: Obama's extended hand
US President Barack Obama was due to arrive in Cairo this morning for a one- day visit. In addition to holding talks with President Hosni Mubarak at the Qobba Palace he will deliver a widely anticipated speech at Cairo University addressed to the Muslim world.
Brisbane Times: An opportunity missed, US Jews complain
American Jewish organisations reacted with emotions ranging from disappointment to deep concern at Barack Obama's speech in Cairo, while conservative commentators accused the US President of selling out American interests.
The World Today (Australia): Obama's Cairo speech hailed as repairing relations with the Muslim World
KIM LANDERS: From the start of this carefully balanced speech, it was clear President Barack Obama was trying to set a new tone and deliver a new message.
Arab News: American Muslims welcome president's 'tone of peace'
US President Barack Obama called on Muslims, Jews and Christians around the world yesterday to cast aside fear and mistrust in the name of a safer, more prosperous future.
Chicago Tribune: President Barack Obama's Cairo speech inspires hope among Muslims in Chicago
Muslims in the Chicago area say President Barack Obama's speech could revolutionize the relationship between the U.S. and Muslims in the Arab world.