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Rasheedah Na’Allah

Rasheedah Na’Allah

Outreach Intern Winter/Spring 2024

Rasheedah Na’Allah is a sophomore at the University of Illinois Chicago. There, she studies sociology with a minor in entrepreneurship while being in the honors program. She has had a passion for minority group advocacy since a young age, forming research reports on racial disparities in the education system, speaking at her high school, and planning city-wide forums on the topic that means the most to her---Equity. She is the youngest member of Peoria, Illinois’s Racial Justice and Equity Steering Committee. She also serves on UIC’s Dean of LAS advisory board where she influences administrative changes at school by shedding light on the student experience. She has held an admiration for CAIR since high school when they helped her MSA receive the tools they needed to be allowed to pray at school. She is ecstatic to now be on their team as a government affairs intern where she will be helping the Muslim community receive the resources they need to be engaged public citizens as well as conducting legislative research and analysis. She enjoys freelance writing, yoga, and cooking in her free time and she hopes to one day be an owner of a health and wellness center geared towards the Muslimah community.