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CAIR-Chicago Hosts IMCC and State Rep. Will Guzzardi

On Wednesday, October 23rd, CAIR-Chicago hosted a workshop with State Representative Will Guzzardi and the Illinois Muslim Civic Coalition. Over lunch, the parties discussed the best way to increase Muslim visibility in the State Capital, among other topics.

Litigation Director Phil Robertson brought civil rights issues to Rep. Guzzardi’s attention, namely the lack of access to zabiha food in Illinois prisons and the lack of understanding of religious headdress in government institutions.

Communications Coordinator Saadia Pervaiz also brought to attention a lack of validation between Muslims and elected parties on the legislative floors, leading to a distrust among the community.

IMCC’s Dilara Sayeed urged immediate mobilization throughout the team, stating that starting with the 2020 Census, Muslim representation can finally be reflected in legislation.