CAIR-Chicago expresses our deepest empathy and solidarity to our community during the Coronavirus pandemic. We will be working remotely, but if you call the office, please leave a voicemail and we will return your call as soon as we can. Below we have included additional resources to help you and your families through this difficult time:
CAIR-Chicago Resources
If you or a loved one are stuck abroad, visit the Traveler’s Assistance Project. TAP is working with our elected U.S. representatives to assist citizens who are having difficulty returning home.
If you are a victim of hate, face discrimination, or have another legal issue, please fill out this form and we will respond as soon as possible.
If you have any media needs, please contact Communications Coordinator Saadia Pervaiz at spervaiz@cair.com.
To make donations please donate here.
For general inquiries, please contact us here.
For Travel Related emergencies, please call our 24/7 hotline at: 1 872-333-2737.
For any other emergencies, please email Deputy Director Sufyan Sohel at ssohel@cair.com.
Vaccine Resources
To find out how to be vaccinated in Chicago, click here.
Grant Resources for Small Businesses (for profits)
In this time of uncertainty, we understand that many businesses in our community are struggling. The CAIR-Chicago team put together a list of grants and resources for your FOR-PROFIT business. Click here for more info.
COVID-19 information in different languages
CAIR-Chicago’s COVID-19 Urdu Guidelines
City and State Updates and News
Chicago Mutual-Aid Resources
Chicagoland Available Childcare Workers During COVID-19: Volunteer or request help
Partner Organizations
Black Muslim COVID Coalition : Black Muslim COVID Coalition is committed to continuing the work of organizing and connecting our communities to respond to both COVID-19 and the ongoing plague of white supremacy and racism.
All CPS to Offer Free Meal Pickup During Coronavirus Closure
Dining at a Distance: Restaurants open for take-out, curbside pick-up, or delivery during Chicago’s lockdown
Grocery stores with hours for seniors and at-risk individuals
Chicagoland Available Childcare Workers During COVID-19: Volunteer or request help
From NPR: Parenting and Coronavirus
Activities for Kids at Home
12 famous museums your kids can tour from your living room
Virtual Story Time via the Brooklyn Public Library
Headspace for kids
Tune in to a live-stream of the animals of the Monterey Bay Aquarium
The Kids Should See This: Smart videos for curious minds of all ages
Storyline Online: Free children’s literacy resource featuring the world’s best storytellers reading books aloud
For kids who like to get up and moving throughout the day: GoNoodle, Good Energy at Home
Scholastic for Kids at Home: Activities to keep kids reading, learning, and growing
Remember to check in with loved ones and support those most at risk: the elderly, the hungry and the immunocompromised. Actions such as financial assistance, delivering groceries and necessary supplies can save lives.
We encourage you to reach out to us for support as needed. We are here to serve you, your families, and our communities. Please contact us if we can be of service.
Need Care? Give Care!
We are proud to partner with IL Muslim Civics Coalition on the CARE COALITION.
CARE COALITION is a grassroots and inclusive partnership of social/civic organizations and neighbors.
CARE COALITION is a CONNECTOR between residents who NEED CARE with those who can GIVE CARE.
All races, faiths, and backgrounds are welcome!
Phone Hotline: 866-ICARE20 or 866-422-7320