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Deputy Director Presents on Hate Crimes at Apna Ghar

On Friday, November 13, Deputy Director Sufyan Sohel spoke to a group of bilingual advocates and caseworkers from mutual aid, refugee resettlement, and domestic violence organizations in a training convened by Apna Ghar. Sohel virtually presented on hate crimes committed against immigrants, refugees, and religious minorities and shared tactics and resources on how best organizations and advocates can best support victims of hate. The FBI recently released its 2019 statistics noting that Hate crimes in [the] US have reached the highest level in more than a decade.

“Hate crimes continue to rise throughout our country, even in our own communities. Vulnerable communities are all facing hate in its various forms and it will take our collective effort to ensure that our communities are not only protected, but have the resources to combat hate and provide support to victims,” said Sohel.

CAIR-Chicago offers Know Your Rights & Bystander Intervention trainings at no cost. If your organization or business would like more information, please contact Sohel at