From Sh Omar Suleiman

CAIR protected us in the face of hate.

"In 2017, when the first Muslim Ban was instilled, I descended at DFW to protest. At my side was CAIR, who utilized all their resources all across the country to challenge the president on the front of legalized discrimination. But, CAIR went beyond that, defending the Ummah in an environment that saw increased Islamophobia in schools, workplaces, and on the street. For that, I am forever thankful for their protection of Muslims' rights--but I know CAIR needs your help.

This Ramadan, share your blessings. Celebrate your right to practice your faith. Donate to CAIR-Chicago for your zakat or sadaqah on these last few holy days."

-Sheikh Omar Suleiman

#keepgoingcairchi #cairchicago #300kramadangoal #cairwasthere4me

From CAIR-Chicago: This Ramadan, we cannot be at the Masajid where we typically raise 55% of our annual budget. We count on you at home if we are to survive this year. We need to raise $300,000. We simply cannot go on without your support. Help #keepgoingcairchi and help our doors stay open! Please Donate your Zakat/Sadaqa today!

Check out our Ramadan portal for more Ramadan goodies this month! We have a lot in store for the next few weeks!


He protected his fellow officers, then they attacked him for being Muslim


Help empower Muslim youth