We Can't Wait Rally Tomorrow at 4 PM!



Last year, Black, Brown, and immigrant communities turned out to reject the racist and anti-immigrant Trump administration, while demanding policies that affirm the humanity of our communities and that allow us to thrive.

But six months into the Biden Administration, even with a new Congress, we’re seeing more of the same. The president and Congress so far have not held up their promises -- deportations are still happening, ICE is still conducting raids, and there is still no relief for 11 million people without immigration status.

As we push for transformational change, we are calling on President Biden and Congress to take immediate action to ensure our families and communities can live free from fear. RIGHT NOW, we demand:

CONGRESS: Include a pathway to citizenship in budget reconciliation and defund ICE NOW

PRESIDENT BIDEN: Stop all deportations IMMEDIATELY, and release the new memo on prosecutorial discretion to keep our families together

Time is running out for Congress to take action on immigration, and it is way past time for President Biden to reel in ICE. Senator Durbin, Senator Duckworth, members of Congress, and President Biden need to hear from our communities NOW!

On Thursday, JULY 8, we need YOU to join us and show that we are united in the demand for transformative change for our communities that starts with citizenship for ALL, defunding ICE, and stopping deportations NOW.

Join us for a rally at 4pm on July 8, at the Thompson Center, 100 W. Randolph! After the rally we will MARCH. Can you be there?

PLEASE WEAR A MASK EVEN IF VACCINATED as COVID variants continue to spread. Social distancing will be observed.


City Council Approves Civilian Oversight Panel for Chicago Police


PRESS RELEASE: CAIR-Chicago Announces Success of Two Citizenship Cases After Unexplained Citizenship Delays