MEDIA DIGEST: FIRST EVER – Canary Mission Lawsuit, CAIR-Chicago Sues for Doxxing
CAIR-Chicago held a press conference on July 11th, 2024 regarding a landmark lawsuit where victims, targeted for their defense of the Palestinian people, will utilize the recent Civil Liability for Doxxing Act (Public Act 103-0439).
“The way that they come after these individuals usually is to accuse them of anti-semitism. That’s been sort of the weapon that’s used to silence any legitimate, valid critique of the war crimes and the propaganda that support the war crimes happening against the Gazans...Both of our clients, and everybody else that we’re working with, stand against actual anti-semitism and any forms of bigotry.”
“For those who support Palestine, including children, college students, small business owners, and other vulnerable people, we are witnesing a double standard in how pro-Palestinian doxxing is addressed—or not addressed—by law enforcement, and it’s time to demand that the anti-doxxing law is implemented fairly. ”
“ So in this situation we have two individuals who are indicative of many many more, who have been subjected to this type of harassment and treatment online, and its resulted in very adverse effects to their lives. There are effects to their emotions, to their psychology, to their well-being, their mental well-being. They’ve had issues with employment, jobs in their careers, securing things like that...
...So we want to encourage people to contact CAIR and let us know that if they’ve been doxxed, how they’ve been doxxed, how long it’s been going on, and keep these lawsuits coming so that we can work to try and end this surge which has been happening now for far too long in this country.”
Click below to read the full media advisory: