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LIVE on WVON Radio: Ahmed Rehab Discusses Northwestern University Investigation, Netanyahu's Congressional Visit, and More

Image by Wall Street Journal

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Part 1 Interview Highlights:

Perri: I've gotta ask you, what was it like seeing Netanyahu before the joint sessions of Congress?

Ahmed: It's absolutely horrendous because not only are you killing, but you're erasing the memory of those you've just killed. And you're getting applauded by our “so called leaders” in this country for your active killing of innocent people…All this is, is a continuation of what you and I know to be a problem in the world and in this country—and that is flat out white supremacism…It's all about [sic] who's doing the killing and who's dying.

Perri: So when these 4 students at Northwestern brought [sic] these complaints, because most of the complaints came from Jewish students who said that they didn't feel safe…What’s the happy medium here? Is it that the higher institutions [sic] failed both groups? Or are we going to blame the Muslims and Palestinian protesters?

Or we going to protect these Jewish communities and the Jewish students because [sic] they're the biggest donors to the universities?

Ahmed: The happy medium is a single standard

Every time any Jewish student has complained, rightfully or wrongfully, they have acted, they've done something about it.

They've had hearings in the Senate, hearings in Congress, they've had presidents jump up and down, and bend over backwards to accommodate these complaints. But when the Muslim or Palestinian students complain, it falls on deaf ears…

The two sides are this: it's the side for supremacy and the sides for justice and humanity. It isn't Muslims versus Jews. It isn't Arabs versus Israelis…Pro justice, pro humanity versus pro supremacy, pro colonialism, and occupation.

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Part 2 Interview Highlights:

Perri: What do you have to hear from her [Kamala Harris] in order to feel that she’s deserving of your vote?

Ahmed: It’s very simple:

It is to do what Biden failed to do, which is to not abet and assist this genocide and to humanize and recognize the humanity of Palestinians through these concrete two ways—n

umber one: you stop sending weapons, 2,000 ton bombs and all of these things, to the murderers and the killers of these innocent children.

And number two: you demand and you achieve an immediate permanent ceasefire, meaning the end of the mass murder of these innocent civilians.

Perri: So let me be clear : You are not going to, your community is not gonna put your tail between your legs, or hold your nose, and vote for the lesser of two evils. You're not doing that?

Ahmed: No, we cannot. We can no longer do that physically, because of all of the innocent people who have given life and limb to stand up for their humanity and their dignity…We must basically fall on our swords…We must stand on our principles—to the death. There's no other way to honor these people, to honor these lives and to stand up against the forces of oppression, domestically and globally—we must operate on principle and our values, and not compromise on them.