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CAIR: Request or Sponsor a Free Quran Almost 14,000 people have requested free copies of the Quran since the launch of CAIR's "Explore the Quran" campaign on May 17. Residents of California top the list of those asking for Qurans, with 10 percent of total requests. FOR MORE ON THE CAMPAIGN, SEE: "Getting the Holy Word Out"

SEE ALSO: "Free Korans"

ACTION REQUESTED: CAIR has pledged to cover the costs of shipping Qurans to all those who submit request, but we need your support to fulfill that pledge.

1) SPONSOR a free copy(s) of the Quran so that people of other faiths may learn the truth about Islam and Muslims. To sponsor one or more Qurans online, go to: To sponsor a Quran by phone, call 1-800-78-ISLAM (1-800-784-7526). (In order to ease the pressure on CAIR's switchboard, those sponsoring a free Quran may also send a donation to: Explore the Quran, CAIR, 453 New Jersey Avenue, S.E., Washington, D.C., 20003)

2) IMAMS and COMMUNITY LEADERS should ask congregations to support this important project.

3) FORWARD this alert to your Muslim friends, family and colleagues.

4) Join CAIR-NET. CAIR offers an e-mail list designed keep American Muslims informed about efforts such as “Explore the Quran.”

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