Join CAIR-Chicago at May Day March

May Day is synonymous with International Workers' Day, or Labor Day, which celebrates the social and economic achievements of the labor movement such as the recognition of the eight hour work day. The May Day protests in 2006 marked some of the largest immigrant rights rallies seen in recent history.

This year diverse organizations from across Chicago will come together again to demonstrate for social and economic justice including equal and just treatment for all workers and immigrants.

Everyone is encouraged to join the march.

WHAT: Chicago May Day March

WHEN: Thursday, May 1, 2008 Union Park at Ashland St. & Lake St.: 10:00 am Convene; 12:00 pm March Kickoff Federal Plaza at Dearborn St. & Jackson St.: 1:30pm Convene; 3:30 pm Event Ends

WHO: Civil Organizations Across Chicago

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CAIR-Chicago Communications Coordinator to Speak at Roosevelt University on Women's Rights in Islam


CAIR-Chicago Lecture at Loyola University: "American Muslim Political Activism"