Executive Director Ahmed Rehab Speaks at American Islamic College
A critical mind is a terrible thing to waste according to CAIR-Chicago Executive Director Ahmed Rehab, who spoke at the American Islamic College on November 19. As a speaker for the event “Islamic Intellectualism: Promoting a Critical Mind,” he clarified to participants that Islam strongly encourages intellectual inquisitiveness and creative problem solving.
The event, which was free and open to the public, provided attendees with an opportunity to learn that Islam values intelligent, critical thinking and opposes ignorance. During his speech, Rehab reminded his listeners that the human race has been blessed with the ability to think critically and make its own choices. He urged Muslims to embrace and wisely use their “gifts” to improve themselves and the world.
His speech was received by a diverse audience of scholars, students, activists, and interfaith leaders. American Islamic College, located 640 W. Irving Park Rd., held the event from 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
Rehab felt that it is imperative for men and women to not limit themselves or make excuses. “Self victimization and self pity,” he said, “are man’s greatest enemies. Self accountability and the determination to face and fix one’s own problems is man’s greatest friend.”