WGN-TV: Remembrance ceremony honors Wadee Al Fayoumi, boy killed in alleged hate crime

By Brónagh Tumulty, Alonzo Small

CHICAGO — A remembrance ceremony held Monday night honored the life of a six-year-old boy one year after he was allegedly stabbed by his landlord in what authorities called a hate crime.

The vigil was held at the Muslim Community Center on Elston Avenue and marked one year since the passing of Wadee Alfayoumi, who lived in Plainfield with his mother.

The child’s mother was also stabbed but survived the attack. 

“We wanted to remember him and also offer prayers,” President of the Muslim Community Center Masood Bijaburi said.

PREVIOUS: Man accused of stabbing 6-year-old to death, injuring mother over being Muslim; FBI involved

A lover of Legos, soccer, and basketball, loved ones say Wadee’s life was cut short after a knock at the door of his Plainfield home, which he shared with his mother, Hanan Shaheen. Once the boy’s mother answered, prosecutors say 71-year-old Joseph Czuba launched a vicious attack.

“A year ago today, Wadee Alfayoumi – this beautiful young angel, this young boy, six years old – was attacked and stabbed 26 times in the sanctity and safety of his own home,” said Ahmed Rehab, Executive Director of the Council on American Islamic Relations.

Czuba remains in custody while awaiting trial on multiple felony charges, including murder and attempted murder. He pleaded not guilty. 

Shaheen told authorities Czuba’s anger stemmed from the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war days earlier. Authorities agree the victims were targeted because of their Muslim faith, with the US Senate unanimously passing a resolution just last month honoring Wadee’s life. 

President Joe Biden released a statement Monday, saying in part that, “One year later, we continue to think about them. We are grateful for Hanan’s recovery and her powerful voice for peace. But we know the hole in their heart that remains without their beloved son. Days like this are hard because it brings it all back. We keep them in our hearts.”

Biden’s statement goes on to reaffirm the nation’s commitment to countering hate in all forms. 

Meanwhile, Wadee’s father Odai Al-Fayoumi said all children should be able to dream of a future. For him, having four children was the dream and he wanted to name the first Wadee, and the second Miriam.

Al-Fayoumi said Monday that his wife is currently expecting a little girl.

“Wadee came, and now God adjusted the plan. So I have Wadee and Miriam although it was adjusted. They are not together in this life,” said State Rep. Abdelnasser Rashid (D-Berwyn), who translated for Al-Fayoumi.

While his children won’t be together in this world, Al-Fayoumi hopes his son will live on through his daughter.

Czuba’s trial, meanwhile, is expected to begin in 2025.


ABC 7: Father attends remembrance for 6-year-old Muslim son 1 year after unincorp. Plainfield stabbing


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