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Huffington Post: Roy Egan, Former O'Hare TSA Agent, Fired Over Repeated Anti-Muslim, Racist Facebook Remarks

Ahmed Rehab, CAIR-Chicago executive director commended the TSA for Egan's firing. "We made it clear that Egan's discourse was as much an embarrassment to the agency and the values it stands for, as it was an affront against Muslims and other minorities," Rehab said in a statement.

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ABC 7: CAIR-Chicago's Ahmed Rehab Welcomes End of Libyan Dictatorship

"We're relieved at the end of an era. Muslims don't rejoice at the death of an individual. However, we are rejoicing at the death of dictatorship and tyranny, and the murderous period that Gadhafi was going after his own people," said CAIR's Ahmed Rehab. The Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago says, now that the war against Gadhafi's regime is over, Libya will face a new challenge.

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Features, Multimedia, TV Clips, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Features, Multimedia, TV Clips, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

ABC 7: CAIR-Chicago's Ahmed Rehab Welcomes End of Libyan Dictatorship

"We're relieved at the end of an era. Muslims don't rejoice at the death of an individual. However, we are rejoicing at the death of dictatorship and tyranny, and the murderous period that Gadhafi was going after his own people," said CAIR's Ahmed Rehab. The Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago says, now that the war against Gadhafi's regime is over, Libya will face a new challenge.

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