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WGN: Possible Backlash Against Muslims

Christina Abraham speaks as a live guest on WGN News and discusses the Muslim community's fear of backlash in the wake of the Fort Hood shooting while acknowledging that the vast majority of Americans are trusting of their Muslim neighbors. Abraham also criticizes those who overemphasize the perpetrators religious affiliation, citing double standards that allow crimes committed by Muslims to be unfairly associated with Islam.

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ABC 7: Muslim community concerned about backlash

“There are seven million Muslims in America who are all peaceful, patriotic and support our troops so along with being deeply saddened and horrified by this event we are also concerned that people might call into question our patriotism and loyalty to this country,” said Amina Sharif, Council On American Islamic Relations.

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ABC 7: Muslim community concerned about backlash

"There are some seven million Muslims in America who are all peaceful, patriotic and support our troops so along with being deeply saddened and horrified by these events we are also concerned that people might call into question our patriotism and loyalty to this country," said Amina Sharif, Council On American Islamic Relations.

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