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Volunteers Mobilized to Save Lives by Donating Blood

This past weekend over 20 volunteers joined CAIR-Chicago and the Council of the Advancement for Muslim Professionals (CAMP) at the Downtown Islamic Center to donate blood. The donations save patients suffering from health traumas such as major blood loss caused by car accidents. Each blood donation has the potential to save up to three lives.

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Radio Islam: How Five Minutes Can Save a Life: Blood Donation (AUDIO)

CAIR-Chicago Senior Outreach Coordinator Dina Rehab discusses CAIR-Chicago's recent blood drive held at the Downtown Islamic Center in partnership with LifeSource as a part of a nationwide summer-long campaign, "Muslims Care" with Radio Islam host Hiba Abdul-Rahim. She discusses the role of charity at the heart of Islam and her work to increase community service participation by Chicagoland Muslims.

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CAIR-Chicago and Local Islamic Organizations Co-Sponsor Chicagoland Area Blood Drives

On a typical day, 1500 blood donors are needed to meet patient's needs in the Chicagoland area. Blood is needed to save the lives of people undergoing surgery for trauma or heart disease; for persons suffering from bleeding disorders; for patients with severe burns; and for patients undergoing chemotherapy for cancer.

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June Blood Drive

CAIR-Chicago is taking part in a summer-long campaign called Muslms Care (, initiated by CAIR-National, to promote community service in the Muslim community. A theme is selected for each month (June-August). June was Health Awareness Month.

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