Civil Rights Center, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Civil Rights Center, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

Leslie Marshall Show: CAIR-Chicago on "Coalition to Ground Boeing Torture Flights" and the Rachael Ray "Kaffiya" Uproar

CAIR-Chicago’s Civil Rights Director Christina Abraham discusses the work of the "Coalition to Ground Boeing Torture Flights" with radio host Leslie Marshall. Allegedly, flights have been used to transport CIA detainees suspected of terrorism to secret prisons in different countries where they are then subject to torture. CAIR-Chicago is a founding member of the coalition and its ongoing efforts.

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Civil Rights Center, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Civil Rights Center, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

Leslie Marshall Show: CAIR-Chicago on "Coalition to Ground Boeing Torture Flights" and the Rachael Ray "Kaffiya" Uproar

CAIR-Chicago’s Civil Rights Director Christina Abraham discusses the work of the "Coalition to Ground Boeing Torture Flights" with radio host Leslie Marshall. Allegedly, flights have been used to transport CIA detainees suspected of terrorism to secret prisons in different countries where they are then subject to torture. CAIR-Chicago is a founding member of the coalition and its ongoing efforts.

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