Honoring the Legacy of Malcolm X
The Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago (CIOGC) recently honored the life and legacy of Malcolm X on May 19th, with a distinguished panel including speakers Clyde El-Amin, Salim Muwakkil, Ahmed Rehab, and Kai El Zabar.
CAIR-Chicago Joins El-Hibri Foundation Panel in D.C
Executive Director of CAIR-Chicago, Ahmed Rehab, joined as a panelist in Washington D.C. with the El-Hibri Foundation. Pictured with Farhan Latif, Executive Director of El-Hibri Foundation and Marshall Ganz, Harvard University professor and lead trainer.
Join CAIR-Chicago Friday, October 24th, for a panel discussion on “Online Radicalization: Reality and Myths”
Join CAIR-Chicago on Friday, October 24 at 7:45 pm, at the Islamic Foundation in Villa Park for a panel discussion on the reality and myths of online radicalization. CAIR-Chicago Executive Director Ahmed Rehab and Staff Attorney Rabya Khan, and other panelists, will share their thoughts with community members followed by a Q + A.
PHOTOS: CAIR-Chicago Participates in CIOGC Press Conference for Syrian Children Awareness Day
On Friday, March 14, 2014 CAIR-Chicago attended the Chicago Muslims, interfaith leaders urge prayer and fasting for Syria's children press conference.
Win tickets to CIOGC's Annual Banquet this Saturday!
CAIR-Chicago is giving away TWO spots as guests of CAIR-Chicago at CIOGC's Annual Banquet this Saturday! Enter our social media competition to win!
Job opportunities available with CIOGC
The Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago (CIOGC) is seeking a Communications Director and a Website Designer. Apply by January 30th, 2013!
Chicago coalition speaks out against the bloodshed in Syria
United Coalition of national and local Syrian-American and Muslim-American organizations joined by Chicago family members of those Killed spoke at a press conference held at the CAIR-Chicago office, on August 27, to discuss steps to end the bloodshed in Syria.
PRESS RELEASE: Chicago press conference on Syria - record number of deaths over weekend
CAIR-Chicago announced today that local and national Syrian and Muslim American leaders, joined by affected Chicago families who have lost loved ones, will be holding a press conference to discuss steps to end the bloodshed in Syria.
PRESS RELEASE: Chicagoans to protest hate and Islamophobia tomorrow downtown
(CHICAGO, 8/16/2012) — On Friday, August 17th, the Chicago office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Chicago), the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago, (CIOGC) and an interfaith and interethnic coalition of diverse community organizations will unite in protest against hate and Islamophobia by organizing a flashmob in downtown Chicago.
CAIR-Chicago joins press conference on Egypt
On Monday, June 25th, Communications Coordinator Aymen Abdel Halim participated in a press conference hosted by the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago (CIOGC) regarding the election results in Egypt.
Join CAIR-Chicago for Illinois Muslim Action Day in Springfield, Illinois
The Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago is organizing a statewide day of Action to the Muslim community. Join CIOGC with other Muslim communities to speak to our state legislators in our state capitol. Buses will drive down to Springfield so that all Illinois Muslims may be able to advocate for common good together.
2012 Banquet Wrap Up - Numbers/Photos
On behalf of our chairman, Dr. Mazen Kudaimi, the board of directors, staff, and volunteers, we wish to thank you for making our 8th Annual Banquet a memorable and enjoyable evening!
CAIR-Chicago's 8th Annual Banquet: A Future Without Bigotry
Among the over 1200 attendees were Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy, Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez, MPAC spokeswoman Edina Lekovich, author Salahuddin Khan, Sheikh Kifah Mustapha, and Professor John Esposito.