Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

Chicago Tribune: DuPage County approves mosque near Willowbrook

The distinctive minaret and golden dome will be absent, but MECCA — after months of controversy — won approval Tuesday to build a mosque near Willowbrook. After rejecting a call to send the matter back to the county's Zoning Board of Appeals for further study, the board signed off on the revised plan by approving a conditional-use permit 13-5.

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Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

NY Times: Muslim Cultural Center Appears Near Approval

“We think there is a bias against the Muslim institutions,” said Kevin Vodak, the lawyer for CAIR-Chicago. He noted that the board rejected the Irshad proposal without explanation, which is highly unusual, and that last fall the county took up an amendment to prohibit any new religious institutions in residential areas. “Most of the new proposals are from Muslims,” Mr. Vodak said.

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