Features, Press Releases MyJihad MyJihad Features, Press Releases MyJihad MyJihad

MEDIA ADVISORY: Muslims to Honor Hajj Pilgrimage with Prayer and Celebration

On Sunday, November 6th, Muslims all over the world and in America will commemorate the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, or the Hajj, with communal prayers and celebrations. It is one of the most important Islamic holidays of the year. Each year, some two million Muslims, including thousands of American Muslims, go for the Hajj pilgrimage.

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Features, Press Releases MyJihad MyJihad Features, Press Releases MyJihad MyJihad

Illinois Muslims to Mark End of Hajj With Prayer and Celebration

On Friday, November 27th, Muslims all over the world and in America will mark the end of the yearly pilgrimage to Mecca, or Hajj, with communal prayers and celebrations. Each year, some two million Muslims, including thousands of American Muslims, go for the Hajj pilgrimage. This Islamic holiday is called Eid ul-Adha (EED-al-ODD-ha), or “festival of the sacrifice” and it commemorates the Prophet Abraham's faithfulness in willing to sacrifice his son (who was then spared) at God's command, an important historical event in Christianity and Judaism as well.

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Action Alerts MyJihad MyJihad Action Alerts MyJihad MyJihad

Ask Post Offices to Stock Eid Stamps

(CHICAGO, IL - 9/28/06) CAIR is asking members of the American Muslim community to contact local postmasters and request that they stock the stamp commemorating Eid ul-Fitr and Eid ul-Adha when it is re-issued on October 6, 2006, as part of the "Holiday Series." In past years, there have been reports that the Eid stamp was unavailable in some post offices

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