CAIR-Chicago reponds to Megyn Kelly on FOX NEWS on "Honor Diaries" Screenings
CAIR-Chicago Senior Communications Coordinator Agnieszka Karoluk appeared on FOX news': The Kelly File to discuss the funding behind "Honor Diaries"
CAIR-Chicago reponds to Megyn Kelly on FOX NEWS on "Honor Diaries" Screenings
CAIR-Chicago Senior Communications Coordinator Agnieszka Karoluk appeared on FOX news': The Kelly File to discuss the funding behind "Honor Diaries"
Fox 32 Chicago: Ahmed Rehab responds to controversial billboard in Chicago[VIDEO]
An anti-snoring billboard, showing an American soldier embracing a Muslim woman, is creating a buzz in Chicago's River North neighborhood.
Reza Aslan, Fox News and the status Islamophobia in the media
Fox News' recent interview with Reza Aslan caused waves in the internet world as outwardly Islamophobic. Communications Intern Shaiesha Moore explores the more subtle forms of Islamophobia present in the media that often go unnoticed.
Selective fairness: Fox News on Egypt
There is actually some truth to the claim that Fox News is “Fair and Balanced.” The catch though, is that such treatment only is given to those who subscribe to the network’s right-wing ideology. Anyone else is going to find themselves out of luck.
Fox News: Ahmed Rehab debates Sean Hannity and Zuhdi Jasser on Egypt
On November 27th, 2012, CAIR-Chicago Executive Director, Ahmed Rehab appeared on Fox News' Hannity to discuss the latest protests in Egypt against President Mohamed Morsi.
Fox News, O'Reilly Factor: Ahmed Rehab responds to NYPD spying on Muslims
CAIR-Chicago Executive Director, Ahmed Rehab, discusses the NYPD surveillance of Muslims in New York and New Jersey on "The O'Reilly Factor".
Fox News, O'Reilly Factor: Ahmed Rehab responds to NYPD spying on Muslims
CAIR-Chicago Executive Director, Ahmed Rehab, discusses the NYPD surveillance of Muslims in New York and New Jersey on "The O'Reilly Factor".
Fox News: O'Hare TSA Employee Fired Over Racist, Homophobic, Anti-Muslim Facebook Posts
“The TSA works hard everyday to keep Americans safe,” Amina Sharif, TSA communications coordinator said in the release. “When such egregious behavior is flagged on the part of one of their agents, it breeds confidence in us as passengers that it is dealt with as swiftly and as seriously as it was in the case of Roy Egan.”
Media With Conscience News: Modern Barbarism
Michael Quigley, a Democratic Congressman from Chicago, made the New York Times on 24 September 2011. He made it by promoting the virtues of tolerance and diversity and lamenting the suffering that occurs when tolerance fails. Out and about in his Chicago district, he stopped in at a meeting of the American Islamic Conference.
The New York Times: Congressman’s Remarks Stir the Blogosphere
Mike Quigley knows about cheap shots on ice. Now he’s an expert on being blindsided on the Internet and cable TV. Mr. Quigley, a Democratic Chicago congressman, had a relatively light Saturday recently. He played ice hockey in the morning, did a beach cleanup with the Sierra Club and hit four block parties in the 32nd, 43rd and 44th Wards. Along the way he surfaced at a conference held by the American Islamic College. It was a quick in-and-out, with remarks to perhaps 100 attendees about the strengths of American pluralism, the sort he makes to many groups.
FOX, O'Reilly Factor: Ahmed Rehab Debunks O'Reilly's Denial of Islamophobia
CAIR-Chicago's Ahmed Rehab and Fox News' Bill O'Reilly discuss Congressmen Mike Quigley's apology for Islamophobia in the U.S. as O'Reilly goes on to deny that Muslim Americans face discrimination. Rehab provides several statistics and examples that prove O'Reilly is blatantly wrong.
FOX, O'Reilly Factor: Ahmed Rehab Debunks O'Reilly's Denial of Islamophobia
CAIR-Chicago's Ahmed Rehab and Fox News' Bill O'Reilly discuss Congressmen Mike Quigley's apology for Islamophobia in the U.S. as O'Reilly goes on to deny that Muslim Americans face discrimination. Rehab provides several statistics and examples that prove O'Reilly is blatantly wrong.
Communications Coordinator Amina Sharif Discusses Media Ethics with Journalism Students at Columbia College
CAIR-Chicago’s Communications Coordinator, Amina Sharif, along with Communications Extern Aymen Abdel Halim, visited Columbia College on July 6th to speak to Professor Rose Economou’s media ethics class on the importance of unbiased reporting in today’s media.
FOX News: Ahmed Rehab on Glenn Beck debating Zuhdi Jasser on Pakistan and torture
"The difference between us and those that we fight, in the form of Al-Qaeda and other militant radical groups is that we are a nation of values. We're a nation of laws. In the fight to maintain the upper hand we can't loose our souls. We can't loose our principles and our values that make us worth fighting for. At the end of the day torture is torture," said Rehab.
FOX News: CAIR-Chicago's Christina Abraham Discusses Hajj Accommodation Case
"She's asking for unpaid leave that means they didn't have to pay her for the three weeks that she was going to be out and she gave them three months for which to prepare," argues CAIR-Chicago attorney Christina Abraham.
FOX News: CAIR-Chicago's Christina Abraham Discusses Hajj Accommodation Case
"She's asking for unpaid leave that means they didn't have to pay her for the three weeks that she was going to be out and she gave them three months for which to prepare," argues CAIR-Chicago attorney Christina Abraham.
FOX Business: Rehab Discusses Airport Screening
"If you wear baggy jeans and you're brought aside for secondary screening for wearing baggy clothing, you are just as much entitled as the woman in a hijab to be able to pat yourself down and then have your hands swabbed for residue. That's the current TSA policy-- it applies to any baggy clothing," said Rehab