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Sen. Lindsey Graham: "Obama is not a Muslim, he's a good man"

"Surely Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) did not intend on peeling the scab off of a healing wound when he spoke last Thursday at a conference in Washington D.C., but his comment, drawing a contrast between being Muslim and being 'good,' has done just that." -Gov. Affairs Coordinator Reema Ahmad. Read the rest of Reema's article on her blog, The Mobilizer.

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TV Clips, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad TV Clips, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

CNN Glenn Beck Show: CAIR-Chicago Defends Equal Representation of Ramadan

AHMED REHAB, EXEC. DIR., CAIR-CHICAGO: It is not the pluralistic, inclusive, educated America that we try to teach our children to embrace. They’re trying to exclude Muslims from celebrating their festivities. No Muslim involved in this raucous at any point wanted to remove Christmas or Hanukkah or even Halloween from the school festivities. All they wanted to do was to bring in Ramadan.

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Anti Hate Center, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Anti Hate Center, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

Media Monitors Network: We are Not Done With Racism - Yet

"One of the most enduring qualities of America is its ability to bring together different cultures and allow them a space to settle into the fabric of this nation. It is the secret of our success as a nation, yet it is increasingly under attack from those who espouse a mono-cultural America. We need to take a shared responsibility and give voice to a consistent message, that hate speech and marginalization of any group must not be tolerated."

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