Huffington Post: Card Painting Hijab-Wearing Girl As Suicide Bomber Angers Civil Rights Group
A member of a Chicago-area civil rights group made a disturbing discovery when she found a neighborhood card and novelty shop selling a card that depicted a young hijab-wearing Muslim girl — as a terrorist.
Huffington Post: San Francisco anti-Islam bus ads ignite controversy
The Huffington Post reports on the San Francisco public transit authority's fight against anti-Islamic ads sponsored by the AFDI. The ads that closely resemble the #Myjihad Public Education Campaign ads are sparking controversy and inspired SFMTA to donate all revenue generated from the ads to the city's Human Rights Commission.
Huffington Post: My Jihad Ad Campaign Launches In Washington, D.C.
Just months after controversial anti-Muslim ads went on display, the nation's capital will feature a campaign meant to redefine, in positive ways, the popular understanding of jihad.
Huffington Post: Who Are You Calling a Jihadist?
Jihad, Jihadi, jihadist, even -- most ridiculous of all -- counter-jihadist. These labels are used by laypeople and journalists alike, often using jihad as a synonym for "any violence undertaken by Muslims."
Huffington Post: 'My Jihad' bus ads debut in Chicago
A new ad campaign debuted this week in Chicago that's sure to turn some heads. On Monday, 25 CTA buses began sporting ads from "My Jihad," a new educational campaign introduced by the Council on American-Islamic Relations' Chicago chapter (CAIR-Chicago).
MEDIA DIGEST: Standing up to Congressman Joe Walsh
CAIR-Chicago's media department gave over 20 interviews on 16 different media venues calling out Congressman Joe Walsh's bigoted comments on Islam and Muslims. The following digest includes a selection of these interviews.
Letter to the Editor - Real problems and real solutions
The recent Huffington Post opinion piece by Joyce Dubensky entitled “The Real Muslim Problem,” is a great example of what we need in mainstream media - new, and often overlooked perspectives regarding Islam and Muslims.
Huffington Post: Garry McCarthy, Chicago Police Chief, Pledges No NYPD-Esque Spying On Muslims
For the first time in public, Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy promised his department will never conduct blanket surveillance of Muslims like the New York Police Department did in Newark, N.J., when he was chief there.
Huffington Post: Roy Egan, Former O'Hare TSA Agent, Fired Over Repeated Anti-Muslim, Racist Facebook Remarks
Ahmed Rehab, CAIR-Chicago executive director commended the TSA for Egan's firing. "We made it clear that Egan's discourse was as much an embarrassment to the agency and the values it stands for, as it was an affront against Muslims and other minorities," Rehab said in a statement.
The Huffington Post: US Tacit Support for Mideast Autocrats Reeks of Short-Sightedness, Undermines US Interests
Egyptians who have long voiced discontent with their government are now taking to the streets in unprecedented numbers demanding change. If Egypt succeeds, analysts agree that a domino effect is likely.
Huffington Post: Poll: North Carolina Voters Say No To Exploiting NYC Islamic Cultural Center In 2010 Elections
"We're tired of candidates who take us for granted -- or worse yet, insult our intelligence -- instead of doing the leg work to earn our votes on the merit of their character and track record," said Ahmed Rehab, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Chicago.
MEDIA DIGEST: CAIR-Chicago Responds to "Burn A Koran Day" and Islamophobia with Outreach and Education
With Pastor Terry Jones' "Burn A Koran Day" fiasco and the ongoing Park51 debate taking center stage in the media, CAIR-Chicago is taking action. We are challenging misinformation and anti-Muslim rhetoric through interfaith and outreach efforts to educate the public. You may have also seen us in the news recently, adding balanced and informed perspectives to public discourse.
Huffington Post: Tea Party Reveals Real Reason Behind Mosque Opposition Frenzy
"In the public sphere, leaders of the opposition groups to the Not-At-Ground-Zero-Muslim-Center can't seem to decide on an argument. They have thrown everything and the kitchen sink at us in the way of fabricated reasons," writes Ahmed Rehab.
MSNBC: Ahmed Rehab Discusses Stabbing of Muslim Cab Driver in NYC and Anti-Muslim Propaganda
Ahmed Rehab, CAIR-Chicago Executive Director, discusses the stabbing of a Muslim cab driver in NYC whose attacker first asked "are you Muslim?". Rehab also talks about the danger of anti-Muslim propaganda driven by Islamophobes opposed to Park 51, the proposed Muslim community center near Ground Zero.
Huff Post, Chicago Tribune: The Untold Story Behind the "Mosque at Ground Zero"
The whole brouhaha about the "Mosque at Ground Zero" is frankly bogus. It has little to do with sacred ground, or sensitive hearts. It does however have everything to do with the exploitation of the sacred and the sensitive for the furtherance of the sacrilegious and the insensitive: the phenomenon of Muslim-bashing that is ravaging our nation today.
Huff Post, Chicago Tribune: The Untold Story Behind the "Mosque at Ground Zero"
The whole brouhaha about the "Mosque at Ground Zero" is frankly bogus. It has little to do with sacred ground, or sensitive hearts. It does however have everything to do with the exploitation of the sacred and the sensitive for the furtherance of the sacrilegious and the insensitive: the phenomenon of Muslim-bashing that is ravaging our nation today.
Huffington Post: Kifah Mustapha, Muslim Appointee As Chaplain For Illinois State Police, Turned Away Following Background Check
The Illinois State Police has revoked the appointment of the agency's first Muslim chaplain, citing only information revealed during a background check. A national Muslim advocacy group Wednesday blamed the move on Islamophobia.
Associated Press: Your request is being processed... Kifah Mustapha, Muslim Appointee As Chaplain For Illinois State Police, Turned Away Following Background Check
Ahmed Rehab, CAIR’s executive director in Chicago, called it discrimination against Muslims, especially since Mustapha hasn’t been formally accused of wrongdoing. “The ISP is kowtowing to the run-of-the-mill fear-mongering that Islamophobes have devoted their careers in order to avoid a public relations controversy,” he said.