Film screening and panel discussion on June 15
On Saturday, June 15, CAIR-Chicago, IMAN, and IHC are sponsoring a film screening and panel discussion of "Islamic Art: Mirror of the Invisible World," a documentary film narrated by Susan Sarandon.
Vocalo, CAIR-Chicago Audio-Documentary: The Media and Islamophobia
CAIR-Chicago intern, Becky Fogel, created this audio documentary for Vocalo and Chicago Public Media on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks to share perspectives on the media's role in harboring Islamophobia. Becky interviewed civil rights activists in the Muslim community and had them share their thoughts on how public perception of Muslims has changed since 9/11.
Amina Sharif Emcees Northwest Suburban College Banquet
CAIR-Chicago Communications Coordinator Amina Sharif emceed a banquet hosted by the Northwest Suburban College on Friday, September 24. Speakers included Rami Nashashibi, executive director of the Inner City Muslim Action Network (IMAN) and Dr. Zaher Sahloul, Chairman of the CIOGC (Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago).
Muslims in Marquette Park Stand Against Violence with Other Faith Leaders
Muslims, in solidarity with the families of victims and key faith leaders who live, work and worship in Marquette Park, will gather in the wake of the gruesome act of violence that occurred Wednesday in their community and reject any rationale that connects this atrocity to the Muslim community and Islam
CAIR-Chicago Co-Hosts Jewish-Muslim Arts Event - Cafe Finjan
On February 4 CAIR-Chicago co-hosted Cafe Finjan, an interfaith arts and culture event coordinated by the Jewish-Muslim Community Building Initiative (JMCBI). The event aims to bring together Jews and Muslims from across Chicago. Outreach Coordinator, Gerald Hankerson, performed spoken word poetry and facilitated group discussions on religion and identity. Watch Gerald's Performance HERE
Join CAIR-Chicago at the Charitable "March for Babies"
CAIR-Chicago has teamed up with the Muslim Womens' Alliance and the Inner-city Muslim Action Network (IMAN) to participate in the 2009 March for Babies walk.
CAIR-Chicago Co-Sponsors First Café Finjan Galleria
Earlier this week, CAIR-Chicago, as part of the Jewish-Muslim Community Building Initiative (JMCBI), co-hosted the first Café Finjan of 2009. The event featured an art galleria that included artwork, short films, and music.
Jews and Muslims Break Bread together at “Iftar in the Synagogue”
Chicago Jews and Muslims united at the Anshe Sholom B'nai Israel Congregation in the Lakeview neighborhood on the North Side on Monday, September 22nd, for “Iftar in the Synagogue,” a special interfaith event that drew both groups together to eat, pray, learn and discuss the similarities of their faith.
CAIR-Chicago Congratulates Islamic Foundation School at Banquet
CAIR-Chicago Communications Coordinator Reem Rahman joined the Islamic Foundation School (IFS) Fundraising Banquet as a moderator this Saturday April 19, 2008 and congratulated the IFS on its continued commitment to quality education
CAIR-Chicago Lecture at Loyola University: "American Muslim Political Activism"
CAIR-Chicago Government Affairs Coordinator, Shahzeen Karim and Sensitivity Training Coordinator Veronica Zapata, presented a lecture this April 10, 2008 to a group of undergraduate classmen at Loyola University regarding political activism of American Muslims and the impact Muslim organizations have had in the community
IMAN Hosts February Community Cafe: A Black History Month Special
WHAT: On Feb. 22nd IMAN will be hosting a special Black History Month Community Cafe in partnership with DePaul's UMMA (United Muslims Moving Ahead) student group. IMAN's bi-monthly, Community Cafe has been a space for artists, scholars, leaders, and community members to exchange their work, share their ideas, and learn from each other through creative expression.
CAIR-Chicago Takes Part in the First Annual Developing Justice Summit
CAIR-Chicago Governmental Relations Coordinator Sadiya Ahmed and Governmental Relations Intern Serim Cetin went to Springfield Illinois on Thursday, March 23, 2006 with the Inner city Muslim Action Network.
Takin' it to the Streets
CAIR-Chicago hosted a booth at IMAN's Takin' it to the Streets, Saturday, June 25th. Takin' it to the Streets is a daylong community festival held every other summer in Marquette Park on Chicago's Southwest Side.