ABC: Muslim Family Sues Forest Preserve for Discrimination
The Chicago Chapter of Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Chicago) filed two complaints in Circuit Court on behalf of Mahmoud Yaqub, his wife, and two children. The Cook County Forest Preserve is being sued for religious discrimination because Yaqub and his family were denied admission to a swimming facility.
CAIR-Chicago Files Complaints Against Cook County Forest Preserve District on Behalf of Muslim Family
CAIR-Chicago filed two complaints in circuit court today against the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. The complaints were filed on behalf of a Muslim family that was barred from entering a children's water park last year because of their clothing.
Chicago Sun-Times: Muslim Family Claims Bias at Pool Owned by County
The Chicago office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations filed two complaints Wednesday in Cook County Circuit Court claiming employees at a public pool discriminated against a Muslim family from Lyons based on their attire.
UPI: Family: Anti-Muslim bias at public pool
The parents were not planning to swim, only to supervise their children, the lawsuit said. They had previously been admitted when not wearing swimsuits. "A week later, I sent my sister to go to the water park," Yaqub told WLS-TV, Chicago. "My sister doesn't wear the Muslim veil on her head. She went in a running suit, or pajama. She wasn't wearing swimming trunks. The same lady that denied us entry let my sister in with no problem."
WLS 890 AM: Muslim Family Claims County Violated their Rights at Pool
Two lawsuits were filed Wednesday on behalf of a Muslim family which was allegedly barred from entering a Cook County recreational pool last year because of their clothing.
Chicago Tribune: Public pool discriminated, agency says
A Muslim family was wrongly denied access to an aquatic center in Lyons last summer when employees told them their clothing violated the facility's rules, state officials said Friday. "This incident is a blatant example of anti-Muslim discrimination," Christina Abraham, civil rights director for the Chicago office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said in a statement. "Everyone is entitled to the equal enjoyment of public places."
Public Accommodation Denied to Muslim Man - Civil Rights Director Christina Abraham Files Appeal
Civil Rights Director Christina Abraham filed an appeal with the Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR) on behalf of a Muslim man who was denied public accommodation on the basis of his national origin and religion.
Muslim Girl Thrown Out of Library - Appeal Filed
CAIR-Chicago PILI Fellow Elisa Jillson filed an appeal with Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR) regarding a Muslim girl who was discriminated against at a public library.
Discrimination Case Against Macy’s Moves Forward
The Illinois Department of Human Rights recently re-instated a discrimination for public accommodation case involving a local Macy's and two men of Arab origin.
CAIR Chicago Attends Employment Discrimination Interview
CAIR-Chicago PILI Fellow Elisa Jillson attended an interview with the Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR) regarding a Muslim man alleging discrimination by a local department store.The man was terminated for not showing up for work, although he had given notice to his manager the day prior
Staff Attorney Attends Fact-finding Conference for Employment Discrimination Case
CAIR-Chicago’s Staff Attorney Tricia Kemling attended a fact finding conference at the Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR) for a Muslim man who was terminated from his job. The man was fired from his job shortly after making statements about being Muslim in America after 9/11. He had received emails from his supervisor stating he was doing a great job at the company and had never previously been reprimanded.
CAIR-Chicago Represents Muslim Man in Public Accommodation Claim at IDHR
CAIR-Chicago Civil Rights Coordinator Christina Abraham represented a Muslim man in a fact finding conference at the Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR).
CAIR-Chicago Represents Muslim Man in Public Accommodation Complaint Against Department Store
CAIR-Chicago Civil Rights Coordinator Christina Abraham represented a Muslim man at a fact finding conference in a charge of discrimination filed against a local department store. The charge was filed with the Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR).
CAIR-Chicago Settles Case Against Homeowner’s Association
CAIR-Chicago Civil Rights Coordinator Christina Abraham successfully settled a case against a suburban Homeowner’s Association in Chicago after a Muslim man complained of having been subjected to discrimination in the way Association enforced its rules.
CAIR-Chicago Represents Muslim Man Filing Discrimination Charge with Illinois Department of Human Rights
CAIR-Chicago Civil Rights Coordinator Christina Abraham attended an interview with a Muslim client alleging a denial of public accommodation at a local restaurant. The charge of discrimination was filed with the Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR), and a fact finding conference has been set for November.
CAIR-Chicago Represents Muslim Man in Interview with the Illinois Department of Human Rights
CAIR-Chicago Civil Rights Coordinator Christina Abraham represented a Muslim man in an interview with the Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR).
CAIR-Chicago Attorney Represents Men in Public Accommodation Case Against Rock n’ Roll McDonalds in Chicago
CAIR-Chicago Attorney Rima Kapitan represented three men in a fact finding conference with the Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR).
CAIR-Chicago Represents Muslim Man in Illinois Department of Human Rights Interview
CAIR-Chicago Civil Rights Coordinator Christina Abraham represented a Muslim man in an Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR) interview regarding a Fair Housing complaint that was filed against his Homeowner’s Association.