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Media Digest: CAIR-Chicago Responds to “Ground Zero Mosque” Controversy, Defends Religious Freedom

CAIR-Chicago Executive Director Ahmed Rehab talks to various news outlets about the recent decision in New York to permit the “Ground Zero Mosque” to be built. Rehab also warns of the growing anti-Muslim network in the United States which seeks to delegitimize American Muslims and vilify Islam.

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FOX News: Ahmed Rehab Debates National Security Policy with John Gibson

"I'm concerned about national security here, not civil liberties per se, and that's why I oppose racial profiling. Because from a national security perspective it will not work neither logically nor scientifically. There is a study from the University of Texas that shows mathematically that racially profiling causes us to miss more opportunities than catch them," says Ahmed Rehab.

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Ahmed Rehab on Fox News Radio with John Gibson

"There is no evidence to suggest that there is a link between religious Muslim behavior on a plane and terrorism. It is quite the opposite. All terrorists that we have come to know of, who have performed or attempted acts of terrorism on a plane, have actually not been engaged in outward Islamic behavior. And in every case where someone was involved in outwardly Islamic behavior, and were then seen as suspicious, were clearly absolved of being potential terrorists, including the 6 imams who won their case in court," said Ahmed Rehab. ALSO LISTEN HERE

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