Audio Clips, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Audio Clips, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

Radio Islam: The Challenge of Balancing National Security and Civil Rights

"The core of the problem is that Muslims are seen as a Monolith by the media and so when one Muslim commits and act of terror or error, all Muslims are brought to bear for that Act. And that kinda of mentality does not exist for other communities because of the nuanced understanding of other communities," said Ahmed Rehab.

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Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

American Muslim: Death of Imam W. D. Muhammad, A Colossal Loss

In the Name of God, the Subtle, the Loving The news came as an enormous shock. I felt an immediate sadness, a feeling of tremendous loss. I was walking out of the hospital when I learned that Imam W.D. Muhammad had passed away; I will always remember where I was when that happened. Imam W.D. Muhammad was truly an American Muslim leader: embodying all that was good about both America and the Muslim community.

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