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Huffington Post: Poll: North Carolina Voters Say No To Exploiting NYC Islamic Cultural Center In 2010 Elections

"We're tired of candidates who take us for granted -- or worse yet, insult our intelligence -- instead of doing the leg work to earn our votes on the merit of their character and track record," said Ahmed Rehab, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Chicago.

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FOX Chicago: "Islamophobia" and America's Relationship with its Muslim citizens

Mosque debates are taking place across the county, from New York City to Chicago to the surrounding suburbs. They are not all about zoning, but for the most part they are very heated. Ahmed Rehab says "islamophobia" is sweeping America. The leader of the Council on American-Islamic Relations describes the status of America's Relationship with its Muslim citizens.

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FOX Chicago: "Islamophobia" and America's Relationship with its Muslim citizens

Mosque debates are taking place across the county, from New York City to Chicago to the surrounding suburbs. They are not all about zoning, but for the most part they are very heated. Ahmed Rehab says "islamophobia" is sweeping America. The leader of the Council on American-Islamic Relations describes the status of America's Relationship with its Muslim citizens.

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