Civil Rights Center, Press Releases MyJihad MyJihad Civil Rights Center, Press Releases MyJihad MyJihad

Press Release: CAIR-Chicago Reacts to Salah Trial Sentencing

The Chicago office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Chicago) joins thousands of fellow citizens in expressing their dismay at the 21-month federal prison sentence given to Muhammad Salah, 54, for being convicted of a minor charge of lying on a pre-trial questionnaire in a civil lawsuit. He was also fined $25,000 by U.S. District Judge Amy J. St. Eve and ordered to perform 100 hours of community service.

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Press Releases MyJihad MyJihad Press Releases MyJihad MyJihad

Media Advisory: Ashqar/Salah Verdict Delivery in 1.5 Hours

The Chicago office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Chicago) as a member of the Coalition to Protect People’s Rights, an alliance of over 20 organizations and individuals united to protect citizens from civil liberties and human rights abuses, is announcing a press conference in response to the Salah / Ashqar verdict today.

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Press Releases MyJihad MyJihad Press Releases MyJihad MyJihad

Press Statement: The Muhammad Salah Bottomline

For many years now, Mr. Muhammad Salah lived life in the infamy of being labeled as the only designated US terrorist. He suffered the repercussions of this judgment, long before he could face an open and fair trial in a US Court of law. His assets were frozen, and his life shattered. His family carried the burden of this label to their schools, workplaces, and to the local supermarket.

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Press Releases MyJihad MyJihad Press Releases MyJihad MyJihad

Media Advisory: Chicago Civil-Rights Community to React to Anticipated Salah / Ashqar Verdict

The Chicago office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Chicago) as a member of the Coalition to Protect People’s Rights, an alliance of over 20 organizations and individuals united to protect citizens from civil liberties and human rights abuses, is announcing a press conference in response to the anticipated Salah / Ashqar verdict 30 minutes after the verdict is read.

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Press Release: Muhammad Salah's Case

As a civil rights organization, our aspiration is to see every American granted his or her full rights under any and all circumstances. Mr. Muhammad Salah, an American citizen, is entitled to the right to a fair trial. This entails the right to public hearings. This right hangs in the balance, while several of his other rights have already been violated.

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Media Advisory: Muhammad Salah Press Conference

The Coalition to Protect People’s Rights, an alliance of over 20 organizations and individuals united to protect citizens from civil liberties and human rights abuses, will hold a press conference on Friday, March 3 coinciding with the opening statements for the suppression of evidence obtained under torture hearings.

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Media Monitor MyJihad MyJihad Media Monitor MyJihad MyJihad

Thank You

Journalists take pride in defending the rights of citizens in a democratic nation and as an aspiring reporter, it scares me that cases such as that of Muhammad Salah happen in a country such as the United States. I was happy to see that the media is not sitting back and accepting the government's case without fighting for what is right in a nation that claims to be free and democratic ("Secrecy's corrosive effect in terrorism case, Feb. 2).

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