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Worldview, Chicago Public Radio: Ahmed Rehab reflects on uncertain future of post-revolution Egypt

Today in Cairo, frustrated activists plan to stage another mass protest to accelerate the pace of government reform. In a recent visit to Cairo, Ahmed Rehab, director of the Chicago chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations and frequent Worldview contributor, met with high-ranking officials and activists to discuss the way forward. He tells Jerome what he thinks the Egyptian people should demand now.

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Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

WBEZ: Local Reactions to President Obama's Foreign Policy

Ahmed Rehab is the Executive Director of CAIR Chicago: the Council on American-Islamic Relations. He said the President sugar-coats the US demands on Israel. "Would you please do this, pretty please do that? That's not the message the United States should have. We need to be a lot more courageous and bold and demanding of the right thing."

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NPR, Worldview: Ahmed Rehab Reflects on his Experiences in Egypt

Worldview frequently checked in with Chicagoan Ahmed Rehab who was in Cairo during the mass protest movement that eventually brought down President Hosni Mubarak. Ahmed, also the executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations-Chicago, left Egypt this week. He joins us in studio to reflect on his experiences

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Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

Chicago Public Radio: Pro-Mubarak forces crack down on Tahrir Square protestors

Mubarak forces in plain clothes and with horses and camels cracked down on protestors. Today's guests discuss what's happening and what may come next:Cherif Bassiouni is President Emeritus of DePaul University’s International Human Rights Institute.

Ahmed Rehab is Executive Director of CAIR-Chicago. He’s participated in the Cairo protests and blogs about his experiences at Mindful of Dreams.

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FOX Chicago: Christina Abraham Discusses Islamophobia and Juan Williams' Comments

Christina Abraham, CAIR-Chicago Civil Rights Director, appeared as a live guest today on Fox Chicago's morning show, Good Day Chicago. Abraham spoke with hosts Anna Davlantes and Corey McPherrin regarding the controversy over political analyst Juan Williams' Islamophobic statements on Fox News.

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FOX Chicago: Christina Abraham Discusses Islamophobia and Juan Williams' Comments

Christina Abraham, CAIR-Chicago Civil Rights Director, appeared as a live guest today on Fox Chicago's morning show, Good Day Chicago. Abraham spoke with hosts Anna Davlantes and Corey McPherrin regarding the controversy over political analyst Juan Williams' Islamophobic statements on Fox News.

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CNN: Ahmed Rehab on Wolf Blitzer's The Situation Room, Debates Juan Williams Controversy

CAIR-Chicago Executive Director Ahmed Rehab discusses the Juan Williams/NPR controversy on CNN's The Situation with Wolf Blitzer. Rehab debates conservative pundit Cliff May, of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, on the irrationality of William's comment.

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