Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

Sun-Times, Neil Steinberg: Our values as if we meant them

"My column on the Council on American-Islamic Relations drew the expected range of response," writes Neil Steinberg. "There was much castigating me as a "useful idiot" blind to the gathering Islamic peril (one reader recommended a book by Brigitte Gabriel that's actually called They Must Be Stopped, which sounds like the title of a 1950s B-movie about giant ants)."But there were a surprising number of thoughtful, warm, humane responses, and not just from Muslims grateful to seeing themselves depicted as human beings."

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Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

Sun-Times: We have little to fear but ignorance

Why do Westerners succumb to anti-Muslim fear? It's a natural reflex -- certainly what terrorists expect when they claim their acts are in the name of Islam. They want to drive a wedge between the cultures, lest a harmonious blending undercut their extremism and deprive them of the enemy they crave. It's a partnership, the terrorists and the fear-mongers, working in harmony and tacit agreement.

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Media Monitor MyJihad MyJihad Media Monitor MyJihad MyJihad

Public Prayer is Universal

Thank you, Neil, for you intelligent, informed article "Fear and loathing in the cat food aisle" (Dec. 13). I am appalled by the attitude of the letter writer who said she wanted to physically assault three Muslim women praying in a Costco, and your response that "hating other people is like taking poison and expecting someone else to die" is right on target.

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