Press Release: "MyJihad" ads are up on Chicago buses! National campaign launch (VIDEO/PHOTOS)
(CHICAGO, IL, 12/13/2012) — On Friday, December 14, the Chicago office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Chicago) will announce the launch of the "MyJihad” educational campaign at a press conference in the morning and at a community party in the afternoon.
Press Release: "MyJihad" ads are up on Chicago buses! National campaign launch (VIDEO/PHOTOS)
(CHICAGO, IL, 12/13/2012) — On Friday, December 14, the Chicago office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Chicago) will announce the launch of the "MyJihad” educational campaign at a press conference in the morning and at a community party in the afternoon.
Peter King: On the wrong side of history
Although the hysteria regarding Peter King's hearings has died down, the Rep. from New York still poses a threat to the American Muslim community.
NYPD spying ignites discrimination and inequality for Muslims
Muslims continue to be the target of hate, fear, and racism causing them to become victims of acts of blatant discrimination and inequality. Muslims have encountered spying, being singled out, and have been deprived their freedom of speech.
The impact of surveillance programs on the American-Muslim community
A feeling of suspicion has swept over American-Muslims, leaving some distrustful of others in their own community.
KSRO Newstalk 1350: Rehab wants McCarthy to reassure Muslims
CAIR-Chicago's Executive Director, Ahmed Rehab, wants Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy to clarify his position on the NYPD spying program and also to assure Muslims that a spying operation has not been implemented in Chicago.
NYPD secret document leaked, reveals targeting of Iranian and Palestinian communities
According to the AP article released on February 2, 2012 the NYPD Secret Intelligence Strategy Report for the Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly, titled “US-Iran Conflict: The Threat to New York City.”
FOX News: Ahmed Rehab Debates Whether America is Islamophobic
Ahmed Rehab debates guests on Fox Business' Money Rocks regarding the rise of Islamophobia in America as seen by recent attacks against several mosques. Rehab and conservative commentator Bo Dietel also debate the merits of building a mosque in lower Manhattan, near Ground Zero.
Christian Science Monitor: Mosque debate: Behind America's anxiety over Islam
"The fear is that Muslims cannot take their place in American life without harassment or subjugation or being seen as being involved with some conspiracy theory," says Ahmed Rehab of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
Christian Science Monitor: Mosque debate: Behind America's anxiety over Islam
"The fear is that Muslims cannot take their place in American life without harassment or subjugation or being seen as being involved with some conspiracy theory," says Ahmed Rehab of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
MSNBC: Ahmed Rehab Discusses Stabbing of Muslim Cab Driver in NYC and Anti-Muslim Propaganda
Ahmed Rehab, CAIR-Chicago Executive Director, discusses the stabbing of a Muslim cab driver in NYC whose attacker first asked "are you Muslim?". Rehab also talks about the danger of anti-Muslim propaganda driven by Islamophobes opposed to Park 51, the proposed Muslim community center near Ground Zero.
Wisconsin Public Radio: Rehab Discusses Mosque Near Ground Zero and Answers Callers' Questions
Ahmed Rehab discusses the ground zero mosque controversy and clears misconceptions about Islam and Muslims.
Wisconsin Public Radio: Rehab Discusses Mosque Near Ground Zero and Answers Callers' Questions
Ahmed Rehab discusses the ground zero mosque controversy and clears misconceptions about Islam and Muslims.
Media Digest: CAIR-Chicago Responds to “Ground Zero Mosque” Controversy, Defends Religious Freedom
CAIR-Chicago Executive Director Ahmed Rehab talks to various news outlets about the recent decision in New York to permit the “Ground Zero Mosque” to be built. Rehab also warns of the growing anti-Muslim network in the United States which seeks to delegitimize American Muslims and vilify Islam.
Fox News: Ahmed Rehab talks to Fox's John Gibson and Alan Colmes about "Ground Zero Mosque" Controversy
Rehab debates Fox News' John Gibson on the right of New York Muslims to build a mosque in lower Manhattan, a few blocks away from Ground Zero and talks to Alan Colmes about the growing anti-Muslim network in the United States which seeks to delegitimize American Muslims.
Fox News: Ahmed Rehab talks to Fox's John Gibson and Alan Colmes about "Ground Zero Mosque" Controversy
Rehab debates Fox News' John Gibson on the right of New York Muslims to build a mosque in lower Manhattan, a few blocks away from Ground Zero and talks to Alan Colmes about the growing anti-Muslim network in the United States which seeks to delegitimize American Muslims.
Fox News: Ahmed Rehab and John Gibson Debate the Right to Build a Mosque Near Groud Zero
CAIR-Chicago's Ahmed Rehab debates Fox News' John Gibson on the right of New York Muslims to build a mosque in lower Manhattan, a few blocks away from Ground Zero.
The National: Passions rise over Islamic centre on 9/11 site
"Ahmed Rehab, CAIR’s spokesman, said anti-Muslim groups are raising money and campaigning against construction of the centre. 'The backlash you are seeing is from this organized group of campaigners rather than a public reaction, which is what they would have you believe,' he said. 'Most people are genuinely open to the multicultural nature of this country.'”