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Ahmed Rehab to speak at North Park University's Multicultural Awards Banquet on April 20th

CAIR-Chicago's Executive Director, Ahmed Rehab, will be speaking at North Park University's 2012 Multicultural Awards Banquet where students will be awarded for their outstanding work for diversity, advocacy, and justice in various areas of academics, athletics, campus involvement, community service, and spirituality.

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Features, Events & Workshops MyJihad MyJihad Features, Events & Workshops MyJihad MyJihad

Ahmed Rehab to speak at North Park University's Multicultural Awards Banquet on April 20th

CAIR-Chicago's Executive Director, Ahmed Rehab, will be speaking at North Park University's 2012 Multicultural Awards Banquet where students will be awarded for their outstanding work for diversity, advocacy, and justice in various areas of academics, athletics, campus involvement, community service, and spirituality.

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Features, Our News, Events & Workshops MyJihad MyJihad Features, Our News, Events & Workshops MyJihad MyJihad

CAIR-Chicago Outreach Coordinator teaches how to make an impact

North Park University proudly named CAIR-Chicago's Outreach Coordinator Gerald Hankerson, "Man of Excellence" on March 22nd commemorating his years of activism and commitment to outreach service. Hankerson visited with North Park University students to discuss his life of activism and service to the communities across Chicagoland.

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