“The Muslims Are Coming!” and the better angels of our nature
The Muslims are Coming!, directed by Dean Obeidallah and Negin Farsad, is part mockumentary, part adventure story. The movie provides a compelling portrait of a roguish group of Muslim comedians who bring their stand up show to venues across the Southern United States and the reactions they receive from audiences and interactions on the street.
San Gabriel Valley Tribune: Debra Saunders - Sanctimony city
Debra Saunders reviews the recent controversy in San Francisco over Pamela Geller's #MyJihad counter-campaign.
Pamela Geller’s self-defeating quest to “defeat” jihad
Matthew Barry, contributor for the Chicago Monitor, responds to Pamela Geller's recent attack on his piece in the Monitor about the #MyJihad campaign.
Pamela Geller's obsession: Countering tolerance
With nationwide ads and a social media movement, the #MyJihad campaign is promoting peace, tolerance, and understanding; who could possibly object?
Pamela Geller's obsession: Countering tolerance
With nationwide ads and a social media movement, the #MyJihad campaign is promoting peace, tolerance, and understanding; who could possibly object?
Huffington Post: CTA Anti-Muslim Ads - Controversial 'Defeat Jihad' Ads Arrive In Chicago
Incendiary anti-Muslim ads that previously stirred up controversy when they ran in New York City and Washington, D.C. subway stations arrived Wednesday in Chicago.
WGN 9: 'Jihad' ads on CTA buses spark outrage
CAIR-Chicago Executive Director, Ahmed Rehab, responds to Pamela Geller's anti-Muslim CTA ads.
WGN 9: 'Jihad' ads on CTA buses spark outrage
CAIR-Chicago Executive Director, Ahmed Rehab, responds to Pamela Geller's anti-Muslim CTA ads.
Student Life, Washington University: A platform for peace
CAIR-Chicago’s Ahmed Rehab defines jihad as “the struggle against ignorance, injustice and hate. It is the struggle against the darkness in one’s own soul. It is the struggle to be patient in times of adversity.”
The Cyber War on Islam
As more and more Americans use the Internet, anti-Muslim sentiment has found a new platform to spread hate and bigotry. As a result, Muslims have taken to the web to combat this prejudice, and present a more fair, accurate and diverse image of Islam.
Religious equality means both kosher and halal meals
While kosher meals for the Jewish community are taken into consideration by politicians, halal meals for Muslims are essentially not discussed.
Orlando Sentinel: Politicians are politely avoiding Tea Party Convention
As the Tea Party convention comes to Daytona Beach, many polititians declined their invitation not wanting to associate themselves with speakers like Pamela Geller, an anti-Muslim activist. "In other states, elected officials have pulled out and do not want to be on the same stage as her," said CAIR media-relations director Ahmed Rehab.
Norwegian Terrorist Associated with Anti-Muslim Groups in the US and UK
In the wake of the abhorrent events that occurred last Friday in Norway, information has come to light revealing connections between the terrorist suspect, Anders Brehing Breivik, to the anti-Islam movement in England, as well as to prominent Islamophobes in the US.
Islamophobia in the UK: The English Defense League
Communications Intern Ben Small discusses the rise of the EDL in England and compares it with Islamophobia in the U.S.
FOX Business: Ahmed Rehab debates Islamophobe Pamela Geller on Park51
Ahmed Rehab deconstructs Pamela Geller's fear mongering misinformation campaign against the Park51 community center in New York and exposes her anti-Muslim bigotry.
Chicago Tribune: Taxi ads stir controversy: Ads imply leaving Islam is dangerous for women
The Council on American Islamic Relations is considering legal action regarding the ads. Ahmed Rehab, executive director of CAIR-Chicago, said organizations such as Geller's are not qualified to lead domestic violence initiatives. But Rehab suspects that's not their primary goal. Instead, he said, they are intentionally creating an uncomfortable work environment for Chicago's cabdrivers.
Things May Not Always Be What They Seem: Ad Campaign Reeks of Islamophobia
The Honor Killing Awareness Campaign responsible for the taxi advertisements is powered by the anti-Muslim group Stop the Islamization of America (SIOA), run by Islamophobe bloggers Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer.Their overt connection between the Islamic faith and violence is not only incorrect and offensive, but short-sighted in that it fails to acknowledge the wider problem of violence against women in America.
1100 AM "The Flag": Ahmed Rehab Debates Pamela Geller on the Right to Build a Mosque Near Ground Zero
Ahmed Rehab debates anti-Muslim bigot Pamela Geller regarding the "Ground Zero Mosque" and calls her out on her Islamophobia. Geller, founder of atlasshrugs.com and the Islamophobic hate-group Stop the Islamization of America (SOIA), attempts to associates all Muslims with 9/11 and terrorism.