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How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurship and Ashoka’s Theory of Change

Reem Rahman, Knowledge Manager at Ashoka, held an interactive session on social entrepreneurship at the CAIR-Chicago Gallery this past Tuesday, November 22, 2011. She led the audience through the evolution of Ashoka’s theory of change during its three-decade history of transforming the citizen sector by building the largest association of leading social entrepreneurs in the world.

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Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

Charlotte Observer: Taxi drivers mark Ramadan with Iftar-on-the-go meals

Throughout Ramadan, Muslims break a 12-hour fast with an Iftar meal, which in many Muslim countries is a time to see extended family or to celebrate with close friends. But for taxi drivers who work shifts late into the night, the meal is more functional, a short break from the day's work when there isn't time to meet up with one's family. Call it Iftar-on-the-go, but definitely don't call it fast food.

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TV Clips, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad TV Clips, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

ABC 7-NEWS: CAIR-Chicago on Muslim Women with Headscarf Barred from Obama Rally (VIDEO)

CAIR-Chicago Communications Coordinator Reem Rahman discusses the recent discrimination against Muslims at an Obama Rally in Detroit. Media reports indicate the women were kept from the podium area because campaign volunteers did not want the candidate associated with the Muslim women's head scarves, or hijabs. Campaign officials and Obama later apologized to the women.

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CAIR-Chicago Rep at Drum Major Institute

CAIR-Chicago’s Communications Coordinator Reem Rahman is scheduled to participate in the Drum Major Institute’s summer public policy intensive this August 1 to August 12 2007 alongside other young leaders from across the nation.

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