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PRESS RELEASE: Chicagoans to rally and march in defense of civil liberties

CAIR-Chicago, the Arab-American Action Network (AAAN), Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights, Chicago Movement for Palestinian Rights (CMPR), among other local organizations are holding a rally this Saturday in Daley Plaza to urge the community to voice their opposition to policies influenced by fear, Islamophobia, and prejudice.

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Program for the Midwest Regional Conference of the Committee to Stop FBI Repression 2/12/11

Christina Abraham is invited to to speak during the Midwest Regional Conference to discuss the legislative efforts linked with the Anti-War movements in America. Ethnic group leaders from across the Midwest will gather together and talk about the updates from the struggles against repression from FBI and Grand Jurys. Also a silent auction to help benefit the Committee to Stop FBI Repression.

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