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ACTION ALERT: Petition to dismiss Zuhdi Jasser as Commissioner on the USCIRF

CAIR-Chicago is calling on community members and people of conscience to sign a petition for the removal of Zuhdi Jasser as Commissioner on the Commission on International Religious Freedom, (USCIRF). Jasser allies himself with and receives funding from anti-Muslim organizations and personalities who work tirelessly to curb the religious and civil liberties of Muslims in the USA.

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Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

Religion News Service: Muslims Campaign to Reclaim 'Jihad' from Extremists

The end to Ani Zonneveld's "jihad" on "jihad" came during an episode of "Desperate Housewives," when Lynette (Felicity Huffman) discovers she has cancer and throws a stone at a possum. "Look at yourself," replies her husband, Tom. "You've declared jihad on a possum."

"At that point," said Zonneveld, the co-director of the advocacy group Muslims for Progressive Values, "I think it is too late to redefine the true meaning of jihad."

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Anti Hate Center MyJihad MyJihad Anti Hate Center MyJihad MyJihad

A Racist War Comes Home

A TERRIBLE hate crime against an Iranian American woman on New York’s Long Island has thrown a spotlight on the tide of racism toward Arabs and Muslims that has accompanied the U.S. government’s wars overseas.

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