Anti Hate Center MyJihad MyJihad Anti Hate Center MyJihad MyJihad

Radical Anti-Muslim Site FrontPageMag's Hate Affair

It’s hardly breaking news: the far-right Anti-Muslim website FrontPageMag today did what it was created to do: lie about Muslims. Now they are claiming that Illinois Governor Pat Quinn supposedly appointed the “Muslim Brotherhood” to his newly created Muslim Advisory Council. “Frontpagemag is a joke,” said Ahmed Rehab. “No one I know takes it seriously. It’s a tool of David Horowitz, the Grand Wizard of Islamophobia, the purveyor of other anti-Muslim platforms as the notorious JihadWatch run by his minion, Robert Spencer.

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Anti Hate Center, Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Anti Hate Center, Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

Chicago Tribune: Taxi ads stir controversy: Ads imply leaving Islam is dangerous for women

The Council on American Islamic Relations is considering legal action regarding the ads. Ahmed Rehab, executive director of CAIR-Chicago, said organizations such as Geller's are not qualified to lead domestic violence initiatives. But Rehab suspects that's not their primary goal. Instead, he said, they are intentionally creating an uncomfortable work environment for Chicago's cabdrivers.

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Anti Hate Center, Features, Our News MyJihad MyJihad Anti Hate Center, Features, Our News MyJihad MyJihad

Things May Not Always Be What They Seem: Ad Campaign Reeks of Islamophobia

The Honor Killing Awareness Campaign responsible for the taxi advertisements is powered by the anti-Muslim group Stop the Islamization of America (SIOA), run by Islamophobe bloggers Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer.Their overt connection between the Islamic faith and violence is not only incorrect and offensive, but short-sighted in that it fails to acknowledge the wider problem of violence against women in America.

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Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

Chicago Tribune: Chicago welcomes once-banned Muslim scholar

“We are all about reconciling Islam and the West,” Rehab said. “We challenge those who attempt to drive a wedge between Muslim and being American. That’s really the life cause of Tariq Ramadan as an academic and philosopher and media personality. He often says that he’s culturally Western, nationally Swiss, ethnically Egyptian and religiously Muslim. For him and for us as well, there is no inherent schism between being Muslim and being American."

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Press Releases MyJihad MyJihad Press Releases MyJihad MyJihad

Press Release: Islam-Basher Will Not Speak at Library Association Conference

The Chicago office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Chicago) today announced that Robert Spencer, one of the nation’s leading Islam-bashers, will not speak tomorrow at the annual conference of the American Library Association (ALA) following intervention by CAIR and the withdrawal of the other scheduled panelists in protest.

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Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

Library Journal: ALA Conference 2009: Panelists Quit Session Featuring "Islam Basher"

The Chicago office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Chicago) today announced that all other panelists scheduled to speak at an American Library Association (ALA) annual conference session July 12 on stereotyping of Islam have withdrawn in protest over the participation of Robert Spencer, which CAIR calls "one of the nation’s leading Islam-bashers."

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Press Releases MyJihad MyJihad Press Releases MyJihad MyJihad

Press Release: Library Group Panelists Withdraw Over Role of Islam-Basher

The Chicago office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Chicago) today announced that all other panelists scheduled to speak at an American Library Association (ALA) annual conference session on stereotyping of Islam have withdrawn in protest over the participation of Robert Spencer, one of the nation’s leading Islam-bashers.

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