Chicago coalition speaks out against the bloodshed in Syria
United Coalition of national and local Syrian-American and Muslim-American organizations joined by Chicago family members of those Killed spoke at a press conference held at the CAIR-Chicago office, on August 27, to discuss steps to end the bloodshed in Syria.
WTTW Chicago Tonight: Ahmed Rehab speaks on NATO's history and future
On May 15th, CAIR-Chicago's Executive Director Ahmed Rehab joined John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago and Dr. Zaher Sahloul of the Syrian American Medical Society for a discussion on NATO's history and its future.
WTTW Chicago Tonight: Ahmed Rehab speaks on NATO's history and future
On May 15th, CAIR-Chicago's Executive Director Ahmed Rehab joined John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago and Dr. Zaher Sahloul of the Syrian American Medical Society for a discussion on NATO's history and its future.
Chicago Now: Chicago's Muslim Community Stands with the People of Syria
Reeling from one of the darkest tragedies in human history, an adage emerged after World War II: "Never Again!" And yet, only a few short decades later, and on the same continent that the Nazi Holocaust took place, Europe's only indigenous Muslim community was subjected to systematic genocide as the world sat by idly and watched.
Ahmed Rehab Keynotes Syrian American Medical Society Event
CAIR-Chicago executive director Ahmed Rehab was the keynote speaker at the Syrian American Medical Society event on April 24th.