Media Monitor MyJihad MyJihad Media Monitor MyJihad MyJihad

Mixing Politics, Nationality and Religion

A recent article, “Mixing politics, education in Bosnia,” (World, June 25) in the Chicago Tribune bothered me quite a bit. While the article referred to Croat people as “Croats” and Serbian people as “Serbs,” it never seemed to fail in it’s reductionism of Bosnians as simply “Muslims.”

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Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

Chicago Tribune: Freedom of religion

"A crucible for secularism," by Tom Hundley was an incendiary piece of journalism that offends the ideals of a pluralistic society, and characterizing religious people – both Muslim and Christian – in a negative light (Page 1, June 19). The tone of the article uses the classic "us versus them" schoolyard tactic to pit Islam and Christianity as competing for the supremacy of Europe and then dismisses both as thorns in the side of secularism.

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Media Monitor MyJihad MyJihad Media Monitor MyJihad MyJihad

Freedom of Religion

"A crucible for secularism," by Tom Hundley was an incendiary piece of journalism that offends the ideals of a pluralistic society, and characterizing religious people – both Muslim and Christian – in a negative light (Page 1, June 19). The tone of the article uses the classic "us versus them" schoolyard tactic to pit Islam and Christianity as competing for the supremacy of Europe and then dismisses both as thorns in the side of secularism.

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Anti Hate Center, Media Monitor MyJihad MyJihad Anti Hate Center, Media Monitor MyJihad MyJihad

Effects of Poverty

In his article “Riots could happen in rest of Europe,” Tom Hundley writes in reference to the recent riots in France, “Most are Muslims, which may impede their integration into Western societies, but Islam itself did not appear to be an organizing or motivating element in the French riots” (Nov. 20). Yet, in the same article, he goes on to argue that the multiculturalism solution of many European countries has failed, citing the July 7th bombings and the murder of a Dutch filmmaker by a Muslim.

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