PRESS RELEASE: Chicago-Area Mosque Raises Record Donations for Earthquake Relief
CAIR-Chicago today said that The Mosque Foundation, one of the largest Mosques in Illinois and the nation and a long-time CAIR-Chicago partner, responded to the massive earthquake that struck Turkiye and Northern Syria on February 6, with a major fundraising campaign totaling $510,000 so far.
CAIR-Chicago Outreach Coordinator Visits Turkey
Outreach Coordinator Gerald Hankerson describes his experience on an intercultural and friendship tour in Turkey. The trip was organized by the Niagra Foundation and its international partner in Turkey, BAKIAD.
Outreach Coordinator Will Tour Turkey with Local Interfaith Delegation
Gerald Hankerson, CAIR-Chicago's Outreach Coordinator, will travel with a dozen Chicago area community leaders involved in interfaith to Turkey.
A Case of Wrongful Attribution
I question whether the problematic practices discussed in your article should be attributed to Islam as a religion.They are unique to the particular culture of the immigrants in question.
Objective News Agencies should Report not Speculate
As an objective news agency, it is unprofessional of you to include speculative links to crimes: in this case there was a bomb, you have no further information, yet the last paragraph feeds the reader want you want them to focus on (that the crime must be linked some how to "Islamic" terrorists):