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WBEZ, Worldview: Ahmed Rehab discusses political unrest and violence in Egypt

On Sunday, President Mohamed Morsi declared a state of emergency and deployed the army to several cities to control the violence, which has left at least 50 people dead. Ahmed Rehab, executive director of CAIR-Chicago joins Jerome McDonnell on Worldview to discuss the latest political unrest.

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WBEZ, Worldview: Ahmed Rehab on the continuing Egyptian crisis

Ahmed Rehab discusses Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi's new deal with the country’s top judicial authorities that would limit the scope of the self-appointed powers he’d taken last week. Morsi’s power grab had set off a series of violent protests in Egypt over the last few days.

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Worldview, Chicago Public Radio: Ahmed Rehab reflects on uncertain future of post-revolution Egypt

Today in Cairo, frustrated activists plan to stage another mass protest to accelerate the pace of government reform. In a recent visit to Cairo, Ahmed Rehab, director of the Chicago chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations and frequent Worldview contributor, met with high-ranking officials and activists to discuss the way forward. He tells Jerome what he thinks the Egyptian people should demand now.

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NPR, Worldview: Ahmed Rehab Reflects on his Experiences in Egypt

Worldview frequently checked in with Chicagoan Ahmed Rehab who was in Cairo during the mass protest movement that eventually brought down President Hosni Mubarak. Ahmed, also the executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations-Chicago, left Egypt this week. He joins us in studio to reflect on his experiences

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WBEZ Chicago Public Radio: Ahmed Rehab and Yaser Tabbara talk to Jerome McDonnell as part of NPR's series on Islamic Reform

CAIR-Chicago's Ahmed Rehab and Yaser Tabbara talk to Worldview's Jerome McDonnell as part of NPR's week-long series "Islamic Reform: Towards a Global Reformation Movement" The two discuss what Islamic Reform means to them, and how CAIR draws on lessons learned from the Civil Rights Movement.

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WBEZ Chicago Public Radio: Ahmed Rehab and Yaser Tabbara talk to Jerome McDonnell as part of NPR's series on Islamic Reform

CAIR-Chicago's Ahmed Rehab and Yaser Tabbara talk to Worldview's Jerome McDonnell as part of NPR's week-long series "Islamic Reform: Towards a Global Reformation Movement" The two discuss what Islamic Reform means to them, and how CAIR draws on lessons learned from the Civil Rights Movement.

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