Chicago coalition speaks out against the bloodshed in Syria
United Coalition of national and local Syrian-American and Muslim-American organizations joined by Chicago family members of those Killed spoke at a press conference held at the CAIR-Chicago office, on August 27, to discuss steps to end the bloodshed in Syria.
PRESS RELEASE: Chicago press conference on Syria - record number of deaths over weekend
CAIR-Chicago announced today that local and national Syrian and Muslim American leaders, joined by affected Chicago families who have lost loved ones, will be holding a press conference to discuss steps to end the bloodshed in Syria.
Chicago Now: Chicago's Muslim Community Stands with the People of Syria
Reeling from one of the darkest tragedies in human history, an adage emerged after World War II: "Never Again!" And yet, only a few short decades later, and on the same continent that the Nazi Holocaust took place, Europe's only indigenous Muslim community was subjected to systematic genocide as the world sat by idly and watched.
Attend ‘From Arab Spring to American Autumn; What and Why?” at CAIR-Chicago’s Gallery - Nov. 10, 2011
Join us for a community discussion and celebration in honor of the Chicago Commission on Human Relations’ Arab Heritage Month.
Chicago Tribune: Chicago protesters rally against Syria's government
“We’re living in a world now where there is no room for totalitarianism, dictatorships and oppression,” said Christina Abraham, civil rights director for the Council of American-Islamic Relations in Chicago. “When we see these movements happening, we need to support them. We don’t give leeway to governments that violate human rights, like the Assad government is doing right now.”
Chicago Tribune: Chicago protesters rally against Syria's government
“We’re living in a world now where there is no room for totalitarianism, dictatorships and oppression,” said Christina Abraham, civil rights director for the Council of American-Islamic Relations in Chicago. “When we see these movements happening, we need to support them. We don’t give leeway to governments that violate human rights, like the Assad government is doing right now.”
New York Times: Fighting the Syrian Regime From a Chicago Office
Yaser Tabbara may live half a world away from Syria, where he grew up. But as the uprising there continues, the Chicago lawyer has mounted a one-man legal and diplomatic assault against the Syrian regime to highlight the brutality of its response and help depose President Bashar al-Assad.
Attend Nation’s Largest Rally in Solidarity with the Syrian People – SUNDAY, JULY 3
This Sunday join thousands in downtown Chicago to rally in support of the Syrian people’s struggle for democracy and freedom. Since demonstrations in Syria began in March, it is estimated that nearly 1,500 people have been killed, 2,000 wounded, 20,000 imprisoned, and close to 1,000 forced disappearances.
VOCALO 89.5: CAIR on Obama Middle East Speech
The Overdrive invited Christina Abraham and Yaser Tabbara to help give perspective on the President's speech from the point of view of people who are invested in the rights of the Middle Eastern people and the policy positions of the U.S.
Sun-Times: Area Muslims express relief that bin Laden no longer alive
“The relevance of bin Laden should be overshadowed by the wave of pro-democracy movements in the Middle East,” said Yaser Tabbara, a Chicago attorney and member of the board of directors of the Council on American Islamic Relations. “Bin Laden was already marginalized, I’m someone who goes to the Middle East quite a bit and I haven’t heard his name in a very long time.”
WGN: Chicago Muslims Respond to King Hearing
Muslim Americans in Chicago call Thursday's hearings embarrassing; Embarrassing to Muslims and Embarrassing to Americans as a whole. The result is America is no better off today than it was yesterday when it comes to representing the intentions and the population of the Muslim people in the United States.
VOA News: Muslim Americans in Illinois Criticize Capitol Hill Hearing
"The whole issue of Muslim community, radicalization, Islamaphobia, etc, it is being politicized more and more," said Ahmed Rehab. "And as we approach the next presidential elections, I fear it may explode just like it did with the last presidential election cycle. I think it’s absolutely ridiculous that this is happening. It’s not good for our nation. It’s not an intelligent way to discuss the issues. It’s insulting."
Rally for Democracy and Human Rights in Egypt - TOMORROW -
Rally tomorrow in support of Egypt making a clean break from authoritarian rule and a swift transition to democracy. Saturday, February 12, 12:00-2:00 PM, outside the Egyptian Consulate in Chicago, 500 N. Michigan, Chicago, IL 60611
The Chicago office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Chicago) today welcomed the resignation of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak as a "first step toward freedom" and said there must now be a clean break with authoritarian rule and a swift transition to an open and transparent civilian government.
The Chicago office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Chicago) today welcomed the resignation of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak as a "first step toward freedom" and said there must now be a clean break with authoritarian rule and a swift transition to an open and transparent civilian government.
Rally For Egypt 2/4/11 Video
Chicagoans came out yet again, braving the freezing cold, to show support for democracy in Egypt. Watch our video!
WBEZ Chicago Public Radio: Ahmed Rehab and Yaser Tabbara talk to Jerome McDonnell as part of NPR's series on Islamic Reform
CAIR-Chicago's Ahmed Rehab and Yaser Tabbara talk to Worldview's Jerome McDonnell as part of NPR's week-long series "Islamic Reform: Towards a Global Reformation Movement" The two discuss what Islamic Reform means to them, and how CAIR draws on lessons learned from the Civil Rights Movement.
Listen HERE
WBEZ Chicago Public Radio: Ahmed Rehab and Yaser Tabbara talk to Jerome McDonnell as part of NPR's series on Islamic Reform
CAIR-Chicago's Ahmed Rehab and Yaser Tabbara talk to Worldview's Jerome McDonnell as part of NPR's week-long series "Islamic Reform: Towards a Global Reformation Movement" The two discuss what Islamic Reform means to them, and how CAIR draws on lessons learned from the Civil Rights Movement.
Listen HERE