Chicago coalition speaks out against the bloodshed in Syria

United Coalition of national and local Syrian-American and Muslim-American organizations joined by Chicago family members of those Killed spoke at a press conference held at the CAIR-Chicago office, on August 27, to discuss steps to end the bloodshed in Syria.

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NY Times: Muslim Cultural Center Appears Near Approval

“We think there is a bias against the Muslim institutions,” said Kevin Vodak, the lawyer for CAIR-Chicago. He noted that the board rejected the Irshad proposal without explanation, which is highly unusual, and that last fall the county took up an amendment to prohibit any new religious institutions in residential areas. “Most of the new proposals are from Muslims,” Mr. Vodak said.

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VOA News: Muslim Americans in Illinois Criticize Capitol Hill Hearing

"The whole issue of Muslim community, radicalization, Islamaphobia, etc, it is being politicized more and more," said Ahmed Rehab. "And as we approach the next presidential elections, I fear it may explode just like it did with the last presidential election cycle. I think it’s absolutely ridiculous that this is happening. It’s not good for our nation. It’s not an intelligent way to discuss the issues. It’s insulting."

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