Patheos: Why #MyJihad doesn’t engage with Islamophobes like Pamela Geller
Angie Emara, project coordinator of the #MyJihad ad campaign, wrote a response to Davi Barker, who blogs at The Muslim Agorist and writes for The Examiner and Altmuslim, on his analysis for the debate Pamela Geller had with Michael Krasney opposite David Chiu.
Balkan Chronicle: #MyJihad is steeped in my Balkan roots
Yasmina Kishanov Blackburn is a soccer mom who is involved with the #MyJihad campaign and discusses what the term 'jihad' means to her.
BizPac: CAIR-Florida fights to run ‘#MyJihad’ bus ads
The Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations has embarked on a campaign to redefine the term “jihad,” applying earlier this year to advertise a “#MyJihad” message on Hillsborough Area Regional Transit buses.
Radio Free Europe: Campaign aims to reclaim true meaning of 'jihad'
Radio Free Europe covers the #MyJihad ad campaign launched by CAIR-Chicago's Executive Director, Ahmed Rehab.
Campus Progress: What Does The Word Jihad Mean To You?
The Council on American-Islamic Relations sponsored an educational campaign to reframe the way people view the word "jihad."
OPB: Through ad campaign, Muslim activists want to redefine 'jihad'
In an effort to "reclaim" the word jihad, Muslim activists launched a new ad campaign in the nation's capitol this week. Commuters in the Washington, D.C. subway system will start seeing posters stamped with the "#My Jihad" hashtag.
NPR: In Chicago, dueling ads over the meaning of 'Jihad'
In Chicago, a group has launched a bus and subway ad campaign meant to reclaim the term jihad from another series of ads that presents jihadists as violent.
NPR: In Chicago, dueling ads over the meaning of 'Jihad'
In Chicago, a group has launched a bus and subway ad campaign meant to reclaim the term jihad from another series of ads that presents jihadists as violent.
Huffington Post: San Francisco anti-Islam bus ads ignite controversy
The Huffington Post reports on the San Francisco public transit authority's fight against anti-Islamic ads sponsored by the AFDI. The ads that closely resemble the #Myjihad Public Education Campaign ads are sparking controversy and inspired SFMTA to donate all revenue generated from the ads to the city's Human Rights Commission.
The New York Times: Using Billboards to Stake Claim Over ‘Jihad’
The New York Times reports on CAIR-Chicago's public campaign "MyJihad" which promotes a peaceful meaning of the word 'jihad.'
The Muslim Link: MyJihad campaign comes to area metro stations
The Muslim Link reports on the #MyJihad campaign and the efforts to change the perception of the word in the mainstream majority.
On The Media: The struggle to claim the word jihad
Ahmed Rehab explains the real meaning of the word "Jihad" in an interview with On the Media.
NNAAC: #MyJihad ads in D.C. metro stations
With a four-week ad buy in the Shaw, Waterfront, Rockville and Dunn Loring Metro stations, organizer Ahmed Rehab, who is also executive director of the Chicago branch of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, says that he is hoping to change the narrative around the word jihad.
KFVS 12: Muslims take back the true purpose of 'jihad'
KFVS 12 in Paducah, Kentucky reports on the #MyJihad Public Education campaign.
Washington Post: Chicago is ground zero in U.S. Muslim renaissance
New Muslim institutions are emerging at an unprecedented pace led by a nationwide network of young activists.
KPLR 11 St. Louis: Muslims take back the meaning of 'jihad'
The Chicago office of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR-Chicago) recently sponsored a global campaign to reclaim the true meaning of the word 'jihad' from Muslim and anti-Muslim extremists alike.
CNN: Muslim activists aim to reclaim the word 'jihad' with ad campaign
A Muslim activist group has launched a new ad campaign to reclaim a word they say has been abused and distorted by Muslim extremists and by anti-Muslim groups.
Rusty Humphries Show: Ahmed Rehab discusses the #MyJihad campaign
Listen to Rusty Humphries talk with Ahmed Rehab, CAIR-Chicago's Executive Director, about the "MyJihad" campaign.