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Sun-Times: Area Muslims express relief that bin Laden no longer alive

“The relevance of bin Laden should be overshadowed by the wave of pro-democracy movements in the Middle East,” said Yaser Tabbara, a Chicago attorney and member of the board of directors of the Council on American Islamic Relations. “Bin Laden was already marginalized, I’m someone who goes to the Middle East quite a bit and I haven’t heard his name in a very long time.”

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FOX Chicago: CAIR-Chicago's Ahmed Rehab discusses whether photos of bin Laden should be released

"I think Obama should issue proof to the public that this was indeed bin Laden. We don't need to see gory photos. We don't need to put ourselves in a worse spot in terms of our national security, and so the DNA report, rather than the photos, can accomplish that," said Ahmed Rehab.

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FOX Chicago: CAIR-Chicago's Ahmed Rehab discusses whether photos of bin Laden should be released

"I think Obama should issue proof to the public that this was indeed bin Laden. We don't need to see gory photos. We don't need to put ourselves in a worse spot in terms of our national security, and so the DNA report, rather than the photos, can accomplish that," said Ahmed Rehab.

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Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

FOX Business: Ahmed Rehab on How Bin Laden's Assassination Highlights Flaws in Our 'War on Terror'

"We've politicized 9/11, we've had costly wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, with surges, military personnel, with trillions of dollars spent. And then at the end of the day it takes what we've been saying all along - good, hard intelligence and a committed group of surgical strikes," says Ahmed Rehab.

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