CAIR-Chicago hosts MBA Lunch and Learn program
The CAIR-Chicago hosted the Muslim Bar Association's October Lunch n Learn program which was held on Tuesday, October 30th. Participants included representatives from non-profit organizations working on multiple issues.
Dare to DREAM: Obama's new policy on undocumented youth
Undocumented youth and the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights comment on Obama’s new policy which offers new opportunities to over 800,000 young immigrants across the United States.
Dare to DREAM: Obama's new policy on undocumented youth
Undocumented youth and the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights comment on Obama’s new policy which offers new opportunities to over 800,000 young immigrants across the United States.
DREAM or Nightmare?
A 21-year-old recent college graduate discusses their experience as an undocumented immigrant, and the implications of the DREAM Act for them and their family.
Some Dreams Come True: Illinois DREAM Act and Smart Enforcement Act Passed in Illinois Senate and House
The passing of the Illinois DREAM Act not only shows that Illinois is an immigrant friendly state, but also that the political power of immigrants in this country is growing stronger. The state of Illinois holds the honor of being the first state in the nation to opt out of the “Secure Communities” program and is the first state in the nation to actually implement a version of the DREAM Act.
ACTION ALERT: Contact Your State Representatives to Support the DREAM and Smart Enforcement Acts
Later today the Illinois DREAM Act (SB2185) will go to committee for a vote. If passed it could be voted in the House floor as early as tomorrow. Tell your state representative to support the Illinois DREAM Act!
Action Alert: Rally for Fair Legislation for New Americans - SATURDAY
Join CAIR-Chicago and other organizations as we participate in the New Americans Rally on Saturday, April 30th. This is an event that is taking place statewide and a part of the “One Nation, One Dream” Agenda.
ACTION ALERT: Call Senator Kirk About DREAM Act Vote - NOW!
The DREAM Act is finally being put to a vote in the Senate TOMORROW, and it's going to be a very close vote. Our IL. Senator, Mark Kirk, is saying he will vote NO on the bill. That is why you must contact him and demand he do what is right for America. Demand that he vote YES.
Call Senator Kirk About DREAM Act Vote Today
The DREAM Act is finally being put to a vote in the Ill. House, and possibly later in the Senate today. The DREAM Act aims to create a pathway to citizenship for thousands of young students who were brought to the United States years ago as children.Call your local representatives and ask them to support the DREAM Act!
CAIR-Chicago Attends Candidate Forum for Illinois Governor and U.S. Senate
October 16th marked Immigration Democracy Day for voters and volunteers. Asian, Latino, Polish, Muslim residents and their supporters learned about political participation, heard from their future leaders, and finally, put knowledge into action by early voting.
Congressmen, ICIRR, CAIR-Chicago Rally for Immigration Reform and the DREAM Act
ICIRR representatives, including board member and CAIR-Chicago Executive Director Ahmed Rehab, took the stage alongside Senator Dick Durbin, Congressman Luis Gutierrez, Congressman Danny Davis, and State Treasurer and Senate Candidate Alexi Giannoulias to rally support for comprehensive immigration reform and the DREAM Act.
Unity Rally for Immigration Reform at the DREAM Act with State Legislators
Come join CAIR-Chicago at the Unity Rally for Immigration Reform and the DREAM Act with Our State Legislators.
March against H.R. 4437
People Unite! March against H.R. 4437 - Friday, March 10th at noon Come join immigrants from all over the nation in a historic march this Friday, March 10th at 12 noon!