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MEDIA DIGEST: CAIR-Chicago Responds to "Burn A Koran Day" and Islamophobia with Outreach and Education

With Pastor Terry Jones' "Burn A Koran Day" fiasco and the ongoing Park51 debate taking center stage in the media, CAIR-Chicago is taking action. We are challenging misinformation and anti-Muslim rhetoric through interfaith and outreach efforts to educate the public. You may have also seen us in the news recently, adding balanced and informed perspectives to public discourse.

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Media Monitor MyJihad MyJihad Media Monitor MyJihad MyJihad

Bad Reps in the Media

In the Chicago Sun-Times article entitled “Bad PR for U.S.” published on August 24, 2005, I found a strange correlation to the commentary made in regard to Pat Robertson’s suggestion to assassinate President Hugo Chavez making Americans look bad and how unconstructive violence and hate used by people claiming to be Muslims give all Muslims a bad rep.

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