SUN TIMES: Muslim woman says people friendlier when hat, scarf cover hijab
Ahmed Rehab, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations-Chicago, said his mother and sister have had similar experiences. He said he first began to understand what Muslim women who wear the hijab experience when he walked with his sister in a mall after she started wearing it. “People would stare at her, and I would stare at them,” he said. “She on the other hand would just look ahead saying, ‘I won’t let it bother me.’ ”
He said the message of Suleiman’s experience is “just like a book, don’t judge a woman by her cover.”
NBC 5: Muslim woman says her faith was attacked in court
CAIR-Chicago is investigating a situation in which a Hammond, IN woman was discriminated against for wearing her hijab in court.
Attend the American Hijab Design Contest on April 28
The American Hijab Design Contest is set to take place on Sunday, April 28, 2013 in Evanston, IL.
Women in hijab: Uncovering discrimination in the workplace
America is supposed to be the land of the free, home of the brave, where dreams come true, and where religion can be practiced openly. If only those words were true. How is it possible to be free and brave when society is too afraid to let you?
Muslim women athletes break stereotypes
The increase in Muslim women athletes, particularly those who wear the hijab help in breaking the stereotype placed on Muslim women, while also paving the way for other Muslim women to participate in sports they love.
Understanding modesty - a look at Muslim men
What does modesty mean for Muslim men? How is it similar or different from Muslim women? Taking a closer look at religious practice it becomes apparent that contrary to misguided perceptions, modesty in Islam is incumbent on all Muslims.