On The Media: The struggle to claim the word jihad
Ahmed Rehab explains the real meaning of the word "Jihad" in an interview with On the Media.
BBC Arabic: Is the concept of "jihad" inevitably linked to acts of violence?
CAIR-Chicago Executive Director, Ahmed Rehab, appeared on BBC Arabic to discuss the concept of jihad and the #MyJihad public education campaign.
Pamela Geller's obsession: Countering tolerance
With nationwide ads and a social media movement, the #MyJihad campaign is promoting peace, tolerance, and understanding; who could possibly object?
Pamela Geller's obsession: Countering tolerance
With nationwide ads and a social media movement, the #MyJihad campaign is promoting peace, tolerance, and understanding; who could possibly object?
WGN 9 Radio: Ahmed Rehab discusses racist CTA ads, sheds light on Jihad
Ahmed Rehab, Executive Director of the Chicago Office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, discusses the racist CTA ads, and sheds light on the meaning of Jihad that many Americans and the media may not know.
WGN 9: 'Jihad' ads on CTA buses spark outrage
CAIR-Chicago Executive Director, Ahmed Rehab, responds to Pamela Geller's anti-Muslim CTA ads.
WGN 9: 'Jihad' ads on CTA buses spark outrage
CAIR-Chicago Executive Director, Ahmed Rehab, responds to Pamela Geller's anti-Muslim CTA ads.
Student Life, Washington University: A platform for peace
CAIR-Chicago’s Ahmed Rehab defines jihad as “the struggle against ignorance, injustice and hate. It is the struggle against the darkness in one’s own soul. It is the struggle to be patient in times of adversity.”
Ahmed Rehab Talks to WGN's John Williams about Misconceptions of Islam
"I would love the opportunity to talk about my faith proactively when there isn't something terrible happening. And everyday, good things are going on, but the one day that something bad happens, that's when people become interested in our faith and that is troublesome," said Ahmed Rehab, CAIR-Chicago Executive Director.
Ahmed Rehab Talks to WGN's John Williams about Misconceptions of Islam
"I would love the opportunity to talk about my faith proactively when there isn't something terrible happening. And everyday, good things are going on, but the one day that something bad happens, that's when people become interested in our faith and that is troublesome," said Ahmed Rehab, CAIR-Chicago Executive Director.
Religion News Service: Muslims Campaign to Reclaim 'Jihad' from Extremists
The end to Ani Zonneveld's "jihad" on "jihad" came during an episode of "Desperate Housewives," when Lynette (Felicity Huffman) discovers she has cancer and throws a stone at a possum. "Look at yourself," replies her husband, Tom. "You've declared jihad on a possum."
"At that point," said Zonneveld, the co-director of the advocacy group Muslims for Progressive Values, "I think it is too late to redefine the true meaning of jihad."
Streetwise: Charitable Activism - Essential in Islam
Due to popular misconceptions, there are many negative connotations that are often associated with the Arabic word jihad; in its true meaning however, it is a constructive term meaning to struggle or strive towards betterment. One of the most important types of jihad is the daily struggle we each must face against our own personal demons.